I'd like to clarify why I haven't been on lately. In the past year (or at least, in 2013 in general) I have had several family dramas, and have now developed both anorexia and depression, which I am trying to "cure" myself of, though I'm not sure whether that'll happen. My writing has suffered as a result, and I haven't been able to bring myself to really do anything much for any of my stories. I am so so sorry to those of you who want to read more of my work, and I am flattered that you enjoy it so much, but everything that I write turns out as complete and utter shit, and I can't bring myself to do that to you. Well... Here I am. My initials, in real life, are VANM, but you guys can call me Ian. I am a seventeen year old High School student from Australia. I am in year 12 this year, and I'm doing Literature, Linguistics, Japanese, Art, and Maths. I... like to read. Whether it be FanFiction, novels, manga, comics, or otherwise. This is not something so unusual, though I have noted that a great many people my age would rather text their friends all day, and laze around doing nothing. My hobbies; There are a great many. Once again, I love reading - I also love to write! I specialise in irregular poetry, but also write stories (albeit, not as well flowing as I would like) I'm very sorry to those who were following my 'Meeting The Avengers' story. One reason it has been taken down is because I couldn't see it going anywhere, and another is that it broke one of FanFiction.net's rules. I'm so sorry about that, guys. But I'll make sure to put up something different; Maybe a little bit of Stony fluff. Here is a link to my blog, and a link to my RedBubble. I am a photographer, so if you'd like to check out some of my shots from Melbourne, America or Japan, these are the places to head to (Remember to remove the spaces): I am now back in Australia, and I have taken on a large project! I am currently working on a childrens' book. If it gets published (That is a very big if) it will be under my penname, Ian Periwinkle, so keep an eye out. 1. Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it? I can’t actually remember… Um… Well, they probably meant it. I hope. Whoever they were. Yeah, sure. I’m going to be seventeen soon, so two years isn’t that much of a difference. This morning. I was trying to watch Teen Wolf, because I love some of the FanFiction, and liked episode one when I saw it. However, my Grandma’s internet is slow, and the show wasn’t loading properly. I was happy at the same time that I was angry, because I was reading some epic FanFiction. I always do. I don’t really understand the question, but I doubt it.. Can they be fictional characters? I was listening to Pretty Face by the Paper Raincoat earlier, and that really reminds me of Wade. Blue Garfield nightgown, purple checked pyjama pants and a purple dressing gown. Every night and every morning at the very least. I also listen to it when I walk into the city on my own, which is a frequent occurrence. Jeans. Given that it’s already 2013, probably not. Neither – I like having people around, but I’m socially awkward and don’t like talking to them much. Mum. My Uncle Dick. Nope – I can’t drive. I’m not going to lie. Of course I care when people talk badly about me; I probably wouldn’t act on it, but words hurt. I’m out of town at the moment. Yesterday. Once. It didn’t end well. Probably. I hate not having a definite eye-colour. No. It’s dull; That’s why I’m doing this. Plus, I don’t have my glasses with me, and that puts me in quite a bit of pan. You bet it is! I’ve never had it happen to me, though. No. My Grandpa’s reclining chair. Not really… Yes My Mum Every time they come around. I don’t know This one chick from Conneticut who think’s I was trying to show disrespect to her community. Not empty. My Mum put them there before I was born, and they’ve only moved a few times. Love them. Hell no. Probably grade 5 – That was the year I had to leave the school system due to emotional trauma. Yes A bit over a week ago, I think. 37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? No I hope so, but probably not. No. Yes – I had an excellent meeting, and went into the city with some friends, bought two comics, and came up to Dromana. No Other than my Mum or Grandma, probably not. No. Being able to read. Yes. Sometimes, but not often. Obviously. Yes. Very like, except with a broader circle of friends, I’m writing more, and I have more comics. Nothing, as far as I’m aware. No. I try, but it’s impossible to be nice to everyone all the time. Definitely. Yes. Yes, I am. I know I do. My cousin, James. I see no difference in gender – Boys and girls are the same to me. I expect so. One person, but she definitely deserves my hate. Empty. Yes. Yes. The girl who deserves my hate. I despise pink with a passion, so no, they are not. They’re purple. You know what? Probably. I’ll probably screw up a friendship, or ruin someone else’s relationship, or just be sucky at it. Only if it’s for a good cause. I’d hate for my boyfriend to be sad, or heartbroken. I don’t know. My friend, Sam. A sleepy mess. No. Yep. No. Definitely. Not today. I don’t think so… They must be sometimes – Heaps end up good, even if a lot end up badly as well… Yes. Oh, definitely – Once he gets back from New Zealand, anyway. Probably go home. My Mum. I don’t know. I doubt it. Reading comics, talking about comics, watching cartoons and/or movies… No, and I never will be. Yes, and just look how that turned out. No. Possibly… Hell no. Unless they’re crying, or hurt, or it’s raining heavily… Or if they’re really drunk. I currently do. Maybe… I think so No. Nope… Yes. Well, not sexually. Mum, friends… I’m currently helping him get with his crush, so… Encouraging things. Well, duh. Just me and my glasses. No. Yes, and I hope they still do. |
CharmingPotter (1) defying3reason (41) Deliciously-Devient (11) | DustStorm543 (2) joshman217 (1) Sunny Lighter (40) | xkyoxdiex (9) |