Hello. I'm Angsty, formally known as CharlieTheOtakuNymph.For a while I signed reviews as either BlyssfulStorm or Blyss. After FFN booted my stories, instead of leaving, I changed my name and wrote up a few new stories. Maybe this time I'll finish one, and if I'm lucky, someone will actually read them this time. And if I'm not known for my fics, I'll probably be known as a beta. If you need a beta, just email me. I have a lot of free time. If you see "Angsty’s authorization" at the bottom of the page, that means I actually did it. Name: UNKNOWN Current Beta Stories Complete TBA Incomplete Work in Progress Quotes "The rumors were growing steadily more inaccurate, and everyone it reached exaggerated when they next told it. It was like a little snowball someone had thrown, that was being rolled down a very gay hill and slowly collecting massive amounts of gay snow, until it was the hugest gay snowman any fangirl had ever seen." Ginny had just rushed up in front of them, and Neville moved over to let her sit down. “Have you guys heard the latest rumor?” She squeaked, completely breathless. They all shook their heads. “We’re guys Ginny, we don’t gossip,” Ron informed her. “...Unless it involves humiliating Malfoy,” Neville mumbled, blushing. She grinned. “Well, you won’t believe this one, but I heard it from a very reliable source.” They all gave her a flat smile, an invitation for her to continue. ...So she did. In a very fast, excited tone, she quickly voiced the last thing any of the – very – shocked Gryffindors had ever expected to hear. “Harry and Malfoy are in love! They were going to get married in secret last year, but now Harry’s dumped Malfoy because he loves professor Snape, only Snape won’t marry Harry because he likes Malfoy! But he just loves all little boys so much that he put Malfoy and Harry in make-up, to see who looks better and thus whom he should be with! That’s why I saw Malfoy in it that one time in the Slytherin common-room! ...Oh, and that also explains why Harry’s not here! ...Only, he might only be late because of morning sickness. Malfoy got him pregnant a few months ago in the Transfiguration classroom – apparently wizarding organs are different from Muggle ones! He said he wouldn’t give Malfoy custody, so now the little ferret’s pissed – that’s why he’s been hiding out in Slytherin all week! Poor Harry, I bet he’s also really sad that Malfoy won Snape – I heard that Filch got to be the judge. I wonder why Harry dumped Malfoy anyway, he could have just had a threesome with both of them like he used to! ...Maybe it’s because Malfoy’s a hermaphrodite – he’s got both parts! Isn’t that weird?” She paused to gasp for breath. Taking a deep one in, Ginny cleanly finished her announcement. “...Oh, and Dumbledore wears a thong. But that’s got nothing to do with anything.” Neville fainted. |
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