Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. About Me: I have been a member of this website for over 10 years and I've been a follower of fanfiction for even longer. Thank you to the many talented authors on this site that have written for my entertainment, sometimes crafting better stories than the original works they are based on. --o-- Recommendations: Harry Potter: - Jeconais: This Means War is a classic. I also recommend his other writing, such as the Addam's family crossover. A google search for Jeconais will help you find his site. - Rorschach's Blot: His story Make A Wish is an all time great that I have read several times. Odd Ideas also has some gems (Better Living Through Chemistry is highly recommended). - BajaB: BajaB has written a number of clever short stories. I recommend Harry the Hufflepuff, Harry gets Motivated, and Veritas Oracle, but my favorite is Dark Marauder. - DisobedienceWriter: Another fantastic author for both Harry Potter and Naruto fanfiction. Hasn't written anything in a while, but what is posted is excellent. The Valley of the King's Massacre. Harry Potter and the Muggle Mess is a great alternate universe story. The Potter Family Grimoire is probably my favorite of his Harry Potter stories. - JBern: The Lie I've Lived and Bungle in the Jungle: A Harry Potter Adventure established JBern as a top tier adventure writer. They are in the first person perspective that is a little different. The Inner Eye of Harry Potter is also a fun read. - Joe6991: Harry Potter and the Wastelands of Time and it's sequel Harry Potter and the Heartlands of Time are exciting, and his unique writing style makes reading the stories a trip. - Japanese-Jew: Wit of the Raven is excellent. It was building up to be a highly original epic story, but sadly it appears to be abandoned. - Miss Lalla: Stand Before Your God and it's sequel All The King's Men are amazing well written stories that are original in their perspectives of the magical world. Naruto: - Anothvortex: Escape From the Hokage's Hat is a great story that is still in progress. It is one of my favorite Naruto stories, and I recommend it highly. - ShaperV: Time Braid is a spin off of another fanfiction (Perfect Lionheart's Chunnin Exam Day) that is a good read. Well written. - S'Tarkan: Team 8. With over 10,000 reviews, what more can I say that hasn't already been said? It's a good story. --o-- |
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