Author has written 13 stories for Naruto, Magi/マギ, Game of Thrones, and Pokémon. Hey everyone! I'm a female around the twenties living in the tiny, rainy country of Belgium. As you can see I love writing but at times lack the motivation to write. Like a lot. I'm trying to correct this, but meh... not succeeding though. Anyways, I love writing with a passion (when I have the drive). I don't care about what: family, adventure, drama, friendship... All of it. When I write, I go all the way. I adore Naruto, Death Note, FairyTail, Sekirei, Kamigami no Asobi, Diabolik Lovers, Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Harry Potter, Magi, Attack on Titan, Dragon Ball Z and so much more. Momentarily, I'm working on Asura's Will and the Blue-eyed Uchiha. And failing to find my drive back. I'm doing my best though! English is not my native language so I do make mistakes. I'd appreciate if you point out my mistakes in a civil way, no need to insult someone. As for the reviews, I love them. They make me smile and motivate me to write more. Thank you for all those who take the time to read and review my stories! Much love, Angelbloodlover. |
Cutie Bunny (15) Guilty.Ink (14) HiHi-Ai (6) | Lazycatgirl (3) Samurai101 (65) Starian NightZz (38) | Stunning Sunset (23) Sylencia (17) Tsume Yuki (90) |