Author has written 62 stories for X-Men, Harry Potter, DC Superheroes, Young Wizards, Neopets, Old Kingdom/Abhorsen series, Misc. Books, Star Wars, Ratatouille, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Girl Genius. I wasn't going to write fanfic. I was just going to read it. So much for that I got a thought hooked on Proteus in October 1999, and it reeled me right in. I reckoned one fandom was enough, and now I've got stories posted in four and am considering a few more.Warning: I am somewhat slow, frequently flowery, sometimes silly, at times alliterative, and also possessed of a tendency to alternate rapidly between dry humor and elaborate seriousness. I also don't do despairing stories... except when I do, and then they've so far been uniformly short. Andrea13 and I have a separate page for our cowrites. The Double Helix series (AU Cable and Stryfe) resides there; the page also houses a Harry Potter AU known as Stepbrothers, a Founder-fic entitled "Moon and Stone," in which Salazar is a werewolf and the truth behind the legends isn't quite what you expect, and another Founderfic in which there is a great deal of mud. Visit to see! Update July 15, 2004: I have decided to begin adding Neopets entries to this page. My username here is not the same one I use on the Neopets site; I'm Schefflera there (and occasionally wish I'd come up with that one first and used it here too. Oh well.). If anybody has seen these on the site and is concerned enough to want proof that I'm the same person, I will be willing to send Neomail from the appropriate account. |