Author has written 21 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Phantom of the Opera, Fruits Basket, and Bleach. Updated 06 August 2013: You guys. I'm writing a new Kaiba x Jou and I just realised something. It only took me about 8 years of loving this pairing to realise why I love them. You know why? Because that's some Pride and Prejudice shit, yo. Kaiba is rich, haunty, arrogant, proud and he thinks Jounouchi and his friends are unbearable. Jounouchi is beloved by all his friends, pushes Kaiba's buttons and harps on at him with a sense of humour about whatever disappointments he faces. OF COURSE they each have to realise there's more to each other than they thought and reassess. And then Mr Darcy (Kaiba) can live happily ever after with Elizabeth (Jou). In the meantime, here is my favourite Puppyshipping Playlist: - Nick Cave, Red Right Hand - Lady Gaga, Dance in the Dark - Train, Ordinary - Cee Lo Green – What Part of Forever - Magnetic Fields – Long Forgotten Fairy Tale - Beatles – Can’t Buy Me Love - Vampire weekend – I Stand corrected - The Blue Tones – Sleazy Bed Track - The Rolling Stones – Stealing My Heart Updated 14 October 2011: You can fully blame Little Kuriboh and YGO: Abridged for my recent spate of stories, the rekindling of my love of this fandom, my yearning for sexy stories about children's cartoon characters, my undying faith in the heart of the blah blah blah etc. That shiz is the bomb-diggity, yo. Okay, but seriously... I think The Abridged Series has actually made me totally deranged, because after a few sporadic updates a few years in between, I seem to be writing fanfiction like MAD. I'm worried for my mental well being. I'd be less worried if I could just stop shouting BURN THE WITCH in my awful impression of Barney-Tristan... Or get 'Sexy Back' out of my head. Thanks, Little Kuriboh. Thanks for ruining my life. Ruining it with Yu-Gi-Oh! and LAUGHTER. Also, I've become a total thiefshipper. Thanks, internet. If you want to read some awesome thiefshipping, check out what's at the top of my favourite stories list, and click around, because DANG those ladies write some good stories. (I'm going to gender discriminate and assume they're all ladies, because this is Yu Gi Oh fanfiction, after all. Sexist? Moi?) While I'm back in world of anime fanfiction, I'm also creeping in some anime-watching. Like a shit-tonne of Bleach, and some Fuushigi Yuugi (which I find disgustingly retro-sexist, and yet funny) and most recently, Black Butler. Oh, wow. Stories about a demon butler and his ward sifting through Victoriana-themed mysteries? It's like everything I love, combined. Though I do find the whole twelve-year-old-boy thing a mite disturbing. Um other bits of random update information... So, I finished The Definition of Love. Sorry it took me so absurdly long to edit something I wrote in one day, although I did add to the third section from what I originally wrote. Hope you enjoy your fanfic porn, guys. OH, and I've got half a thiefshipping one-shot written too, so expect that sometime in a galaxy not too far far away. It is also, um. Well. Porn. What is wrong with me?! So many things. So hey, people. Read and REVIEW. I try to leave a review on everything I read. I also try to be polite and reply to reviews, though sometimes they do slip by. But anyway, I just don't understand the whole lurking thing. Like, 'The Happy Genius' has more hits than ANY of my stories, and yet, per-chapter, the least reviews. Who is responsible for this? SECRET INTERNET ROBOTS WITH A FETISH FOR KAIBA? |
Alecto Perdita (53) Broken Music Box (18) ChaosRocket (49) DarkestAphelion (26) DarkShadowFlame (37) Fiver (10) | ladyblackwell (17) Lethe Seraph (18) luvin aoshi (0) non-damsel (5) PinkStarz (31) | RosaleenDhu (4) samurai-ashes (66) Setine (0) Sierra's Darkness (48) SpookyChild (21) Toboe LoneWolf (48) |