![]() Author has written 29 stories for Code Lyoko, God of War, Ben 10, X-Men: Evolution, Star Wars, American McGee's Alice, Avatar: Last Airbender, Star Wars, Halloween, Generator Rex, Frozen, How to Train Your Dragon, My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア, Kingdom Hearts, Assassin's Creed, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, BioShock, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Naruto, Mass Effect, Batman, Kim Possible, Brave, 2012, Venom, RWBY, and Carmen Sandiego, 2019. I come in piece...es (Get it pieces, I come in pieces). I am (in my opinon and i'm sure others) messed up and have major problems. One such is that I still have kid's mind in a ways (I'm trying to grow up). I enjoy gaming, reading, writing, drawing (suck at it though), boating, fishing, walking, swiming. I love steaks (You have not lived until you have tried one of my Grandpa's steaks, could only be better if it came from the table of God himself.) My favorite X-man is X-23 (not to be confused with Deathstrike). I like rock, country, and gosple, I'm a beliver of Brother Branham (Christen), and I love disney movies, espically musicals. Favorite Shows (not neccacerisaly in this order) Code Lyoko (Not evolution, I watch it, but it's not as good as the original) Ben 10 (all except 'Omniverse'. Seriously, what moron was put in charge of that? I'm not sure what's worse, the animation or the story) Star Wars: The Clone Wars X-Men X-Men Evolution Gargoyles The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra Favorite Movies X-Men series Star Wars saga Twilight Saga Spider-Man trilogy Iron Man Thor Captin America Underworld series Transformers series Alien 1, 2, & 4 Predator 2 & 3 AVP FFVII Advent Children Pirates of the Caribbean (All but 4) Favorite Books Inheritance cycle Percy Jackson and the Olympians The Heroes of Olympus The Kane Chronicals Meg series Goliath Maximum Ride School of Fear series Zorro Angel on the Square When The Wind Blows Favorite Couples (shows) Ulrich/Yumi Ulrich/Aelita Jeremy/Aelita Odd/Sam Aelita/Yumi Yumi/Sissi William/Sissi Willam/Emily Ben/Julie Ben/Gwen Julie/Gwen Eunice/Gwen Anakin/Padme Padme/Ashoka Kitty/Lance Kitty/Rouge Kitty/any girl Gambit/Rouge Rouge/Risty Pietro/X-23 Evan/Storm Evan/Wanda Wanda/Rhane Pyro/Amara Tabitha/Amara Goliath/Elisa Demona/Elisa Demona/Angela Angela/Elisa Brooklyn/Angela Aang/Katara Zuko/Katara Zuko/Azula Azula/Katara Azula/Ty Lee Mako/Korra Korra/Jinora/Ikki Korra/Asami Robin/Starfire Robin (later Nightwing)/Zatanna Blackfire/Starfire Beast Boy/Raven Beast Boy/Terra Terra/Raven Raven/Starfire Cyborg/Bumblebee Kid Flash/Jinx Kid Flash/Artemis Artemis/Miss Martian Artemis/Cheshier Superboy/Miss Martian Favorite Couples (Books) Eragon/Arya Eragon/Elva (Don't bug me about this one!) Murtage/Nasuada Roran/Katrina Arya/Nasuada Arya/Islanzadi Percy/Annabeth Annabeth/any girl Annabeth/Thaila Thaila/Artemis Jason/Piper Piper/Drew Max/Fang Max/Angel Iggy/Ella Max/Ella |