-Updates Section- Just so you all know, my e-mail is not working properly. So sorry! -_-' Sorry for not updating very often; I've got a new job as an elementary school teacher's assistant (I'm gaining experience for my own career) and I've got school. I'm majoring in elementary education, as you can probably tell! Well, I don't have alot to say about myself, but I am not a very good auther, and I really appreciate any reviews, good or bad. Oh, I am 18 years old, and love anime, reading, video games, humor, jokes, and the color blue (it's so pretty!) And I'm learning the Japanese language (Gundam Wing is to thank for that). Most of my fics will be humor. Oooh, I also got an account at under the pen name Suzume-Hime_ I'm also a yaoi fangirl! When I was about 13, I was browsing through pictures of the Gundam guys, and I saw this picture of Heero x Duo. At first, I thought that it was weird, but they looked so cute together, and now I'm hooked! Most of my stuff is yaoi (especially romantic comedies), but I have some non-yaoi stuff. Be warned, though: I love strange couples! My favorite couples are as follows: DBZ/GT: Piccolo x Raditz, Broly x Gohan, Vegeta x Gohan, King Vegeta x Raditz, King Vegeta x Bardock, Toma x Bardock, Vegeta x Goku, Goku x Gohan (blushes),Goku x Raditz(blushes some more),King Vegeta x Gohan, Broly x Goku, Tienx Yamcha, Syn Shenron x Goku (Don't ask...). Gundam Wing: Heero x Duo, Wufei x Duo, Zechs x Duo (I have a thing for Duo), Wufei x Heero. Yugioh: anyone x Jonouchi (Blushes). Jak II: anyone x Jak, including Dark Jak x Jak (heehee...) I also like: Ganondorf x Link (Legend of Zelda), Dib x Zim (Invader Zim), Fox x Falco (Star Fox), Leon x Falco (Star Fox), Roy x Marth (Fire Emblem), Mugen x Jin (Samurai Champloo), Gimli x Legolas (Lord of the Rings). As you can see, they're all yaoi. I'm obsessed, I'm afraid... Oh, well! These are all of the pairings that I'm most likely to write about, so be warned! Fic news: McCloud, This is Your Life!- Next chapter is in the works, so expect an update pretty soon... I hope! My Big, Fat, Fake Wedding- Ditto! I'll end it probably within two more chapters. The Odd Couple-Should have the next chapter up pretty soon; for those of you who liked my story 'Who Would Have Thought', this is a more detailed version. Cold Night-I decided to add some more chapters to it, so it's no longer a one-shot. The Road Trip from Hell- Still writing chapter two, though I might just drop it. ~I am also working on a few more fanfics for Dragon Ball Z (mostly yaoi, of course) and Super Smash Bros. Melee. Also look for an Invader Zim fic or two, if I finish writing it!~ Runaway- I will be writing a fanfic that starts out basically the same, but goes into a longer thing where Raditz actually teaches Gohan to use magic. Runaway was just a thing I did as a test-fic (also note that it was two a.m. and I was bored when I wrote it). |