Author has written 4 stories for Inuyasha, and Naruto. Well, after almost two years, I figure I should change this around. I'm a fairly normal kid in college, atempting to squak by with a decent GPA, and I write in my spare time (and for my classes. Lots of classes). I enjoy the normal stuff, you know, Writing, Reading, the occasional Anime, and, of course, watching stupid movies with friends. My current fic is Hanyou.EXE, a sci-fi/cyberpunk InuYasha bit. Read and review, if you want. My other incomplete fic, The Love Which Trancends Time, is on what is most likely a permanent hiatus. Or dead, depending on the savagry of the vocabulary you want to use. Yes, well, from here on out, all comments will be addressed on the 'my forums' section from, okey-dokie? Aiight, so that's my shpiel, and I'll be on my way. Toodles! scurries |