![]() Author has written 11 stories for Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Ouran High School Host Club, Young Justice, One Piece, Harry Potter, Batman, and Kane Chronicles. Heya everybody, Scarlet here. May I just say, I hope you enjoy your stay on my profile and hope you enjoy my stories. There may be a lag in updates to my stories as I have moved to a different course and I'm doing assignments every week or two so I'm very busy. UPDATE: I have come back from my hiatus but still expect infrequent updates. All previews/updates will be posted on my tumblr blog and it's there you can go if you have any questions for me about my stories/ future stories. You can find my update schedule and story descriptions/up-coming stories on my tumblr blog which is linked further down in my profile. Pairings you might find in my stories!: AceSabo (Getting Down With Dungeons and Dragons) SaboLaw (The Greatest Treasure) LawLu MarcoThatch MarcoShanks (How We Got Here (And All The Crap In Between), MakinoShanks CoraBelle ZoLu (Magical Messes and Panicking Professors: Welcome to Hogwarts, The Uni Years or "Luffy stop eating your textbooks!") ThatchIzo NaVi (Phoenix Crash Landing/ Somebody should have said straw and fire was a bad idea, Magical Messes and Panicking Professors: Welcome to Hogwarts, The Uni Years or "Luffy stop eating your textbooks!") SaboKoala Headcanons about my AU!Verse's you might find useful to know! The Greatest Treasure: Sabo - Genderfluid Aromantic Allosexual Ace - Cisgendered (but gives no craps about gender normativity) Pansexual, Demi-Romantic Luffy - Non-Binary but uses male pronouns, Aromantic, Asexual (These have been raised several times by reviewers so I hope this helps!) UPDATE!!! I have now started a tumblr blog for my stories so I will be posting art, updates, and chapter previews on that Tumblr if anyone is interested. If anyone also wants a question answered that they think can't wait until the next update then feel free to use the ask box. coffeeandmarshmallows on tumblr I've been told that the links no longer work so just copy and paste the URL and take the spaces out of them. Fanart Links: By Sunrise Flame: ht tp://sunris /po st/115483621 137/ace-sabo-an d-luffy-with-tha s-eir ht tp://sunr iseflame.tum /po st/114610 120597/the-greates t-treasure- hi-everyb ody-thi s-is-the By Olympian-King: ht tp://jack3 dragon ./pos t/11396 446202 1/a-close-up-o f-the-boys-make- up-from http: //jack3 drago m/p ost/111123 10863 6/color ed-version s-of-the-original -one-da m-i-ha te htt p://jack m/post/ 111411242526/ co lored- versio ns-of-p revious-pict ures-for http ://jack3dr agon.tumb /post/110 595053 551/for-asl-scarlet -sorceress By AnonAMauze ht tp://ano nama uze.deviant /a rt/Sabo- s-Tattoo- The-Great est-Treasure -62062 031 2 Thank you so much to all of you for drawing such amazing pictures! I love them all so much and they never fail to make me smile! Thank you! For my non-English readers: Getting Down With Dungeons and Dragons (French)- A French translation of my SaboAce fic translated by the amazing Koiwasenso. One-shots: A Conversation between a Father and a Brother - A conversation between Sabo and Dragon about Luffy's mum in attempt by Sabo to get out of paperwork. Complete: Getting Down With Dungeons and Dragons - SaboAce Modern!AU Prompt. This is rated M for a reason so if you don't like yaoi or hot guys jacking off then don't read this fic. Used to be a One shot but people want more of it so it's moved into a story category. In-Progress: ONE PIECE: The Greatest Treasure-I haven't updated this story in months and I feel super bad for it. There is several reasons for this though! I want to get Compiling Gratitude out of the way before I post another chapter, I also have a bad case of writers block on the latest chapter, and I'm getting used to college again. So please be nice to me and don't kill me when I finally do update this. Believe me, I want an update as much as you do! TGT: Compiling Gratitude - This is going to be a collection of the things you guys have asked me for in celebration of getting over 400 reviews on The Greatest Treasure. The reason it's a new story all together is if I wanted to put it all into a bonus chapter then not only would I not be able to credit the reviews with the ideas but that would be an epically long bonus chapter and I like to try and keep my chapters similar lengths. But any way, thank you so much for this guys and I can only hope that you like this collection as much as the original story! Magical Messes and Panicking Professors: Welcome to Hogwarts- This is going to be a story that I update whenever my muse strikes me. There are no Harry Potter Character in this story but it is in the crossover section all the same. Rising From The Ashes - Oh boy isn't this going to be a fun, light-hearted story?...Nooo. This is the story which details my headcanon about Marco's past starting from when he was a seven year old child to his days sailing with Whitebeard. Warnings now: there will be angst, mentions of abuse, anxiety, self-hate, panic attacks and trauma so this is going to be quite a dark fic. DC UNIVERSE: 3 Birds, 1 Kitten, and the Team- very slow going on this one, might have to put it under hiatus until my muse decides it likes me again. On Hiatus: Crown of Death- When my computer crashed I lost all my planning for this fic so until I find the written out versions this is gonna be on hiatus. Working with other people: Death at the Host Club- this is a joint fic that another author and I are doing together. Until we can agree on another chapter, this will not be updated. Future Stories: Not Friends: Family! - Sequel to 'The Greatest Treasure' but it won't be up for a while. Phoenix Crash Landing - Ever wonder what would happen if Marco met Luffy and his crew before Ace did? We did and decided to dedicate a story following what could possibly go wrong in that situation. It won't be up for a while as I need to re-watch several arcs to get my facts right and then get down to writing it but expect it to be slightly cracky when I finally do get ready to upload it. Still working on a title for it and I need to check how long titles can be on this website. Forge - almost going to be linked with Rising From The Ashes but this is a 'Shanks' past' fic that I'm writing purely to torture myself and my friend. It will be angsty and painful and sad and will almost be a carry-on of RFTA but following on from Shanks' introduction from that story. Leaping Through The Pages - Quite light-hearted compared to some others. This one is a 'Ace and Luffy find out Sabo's alive' kind of fic but it takes place before Ace and Luffy reunite in Alabasta and it takes place in various fairytales. I actually have the prologue written but I'm hesitant to publish it just now as I have chapters for my other fics to be doing so it's pushed further down the waiting list (but hey, if any one actually reads profiles now-a-days they can PM me and give me their opinion on whether or not I should upload it yet) How We Got Here (And All The Crap In Between) - Shameless Shanks/Marco fic that details their relationship through the years because this is one of the many ships I'm a sucker for. It is still in the planning stages and might have a title rework but it's definitely on the waiting list of 'fics I need to actually write!' The Uni Years or "Luffy stop eating your textbooks!" - Still not sure what I'm going to end up calling this one (Title is still in very early stages of development). But it's basically a University AU in which Luffy starts his first year of university, Ace is a worried mess, and a mysterious blond keeps popping up all over campus (gee I wonder who that could be? XD) This is going to be SaboAce ZoLu and NaVi and it's basically a mess of studying, goofing off, dorm house chaos, and good old fashioned Strawhat Chaos XD Future One-Shots: Return of the Wayward Brother - Sabo had to go back to Goa at some point after all and boy was he in for a few surprises when he does. |