![]() Uhm. Greetings. I don't know if I'll ever get around to post anything in here, but I figured it was about time I got an account in here, so I could keep track of all the great stories :). So take a look around my exceedingly clever and interesting profile and be astonished. //I ran out of good pennames// PS. I'm a young woman at the tender age of 21. So I'm young and spiffy and my taste in fanfiction is (if I do say so myself) quite awesome, so you can find some real gold if you look through my favorite list B-). PPS. Everyone is always welcome to correct my english, be it grammar or spelling or something else entirely. Making those cringeworthy mistakes, that I know I make, is like having spinach between your front teeth; being told is embarrassing, but running around and smiling at everyone with this green leaf of evil between your teeth out in everyones faces. Is. So. Much. Worse. So please don't let me run around with spinach in my teeth, my shirt on backwards and a tail of toiletpaper after me. Thank you. Some time, not very long ago, I saw a Recommentation on someones profile and I couldn't help but think, that it would be a dang shame if I someone else missed out on long nights of reading awesome fanfiction when they ought be doing other stuff, say remaking a schoolproject that they FAILED, ahem. The point is, that I thought that if someone else could have those long nights of laughing and being in a jolly good mood because I recommended a wonderful fic, then I should. Recommend it, that is. And that's what I'm doing now. Alright here it comes: The Shoebox Project I haven't read that many Harry Potter fanfics, ('cause to be frank, I love the books, and the universe and the school, but I find that I quite dislike Harry himself (not to mention the fact that Rowling killed (almost) all my favorite characters)) but I have a feeling that this may very well be THE Harry Potter fanfic. It's sort of a prequel to the Harry Potter books. It revolved around the maradeurs; James Potter, Lilly Evans, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew and their lives as teenage wizards (and witch) in High School (AKA Hogwartz) during the 1970s. It is very much like a shoebox; part of the story is told through scrawled notes, diary enteries, pictures and letters. I think everyone with just a smidgen of love for this universe, should read it. I think I may love this more than I loved the books when I first read (and re-read) them, when I was 12, where I lived and breathed Harry Potter for weeks and months till I became too obsessed and I had to let it go. It's not very difficult to find, you just have to google 'the shoebox project PDF' and BAM there it is. You can find who wrote it, on the homepage. Read it. I dare you ;). |