Author has written 138 stories for JAG, One Tree Hill, Gilmore Girls, Misc. Movies, RENT, Twilight, Glee, Community, Chuck, and Walking Dead. I've been writing fanfiction for most of my life. It's been my outlet and a source of joy to play with characters and settings I love and extending those stories. I'm an all around shipper. My key ships include Luke/Lorelai (Gilmore Girls), Annie/Jeff (Community), Harm/Mac (JAG), Bella/Edward (Twilight), and many more. Have a look around a see if there's anything you like in here, and, as always, thanks for reading. Crittab |
Angel Grace (22) April1 (11) Catch (9) Chemiclord (29) Cinnamon Angel (5) ctfallengoddess (20) dangerusliasons (16) J Bear (12) JagChick152 (0) JAGgedIverson (14) | MadameCissy (37) Mag68 (57) Mrs Dionysius O'Gall (65) Muisje (3) ninjaVanish (6) nyclove3 (7) Oh-no-she-di'ent (66) Pammy (1) rainbowlite606 (4) | Samantha14 (31) Sandy2 (1) sawqqqq (0) Somebody Once (39) SpeedBump (8) Tez (38) The Good Girl (34) the-glory-days (21) WalkerTRngr (57) |