![]() Hey!! I am 21 and from Texas and absolutely in love with Supernatural!! I am totally a Dean girl, even though Cas is a close second followed by Adam then Sam. Even though as of late my heart is truly lying with one genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist other wise known as Tony Stark, or Iron Man. Followed closely by Hawkeye, Loki and Captain America. In that order. Now Star Trek:2009 has won a spot in my heart mainly because Chris Pine is sexy as hell and I love me a Vulcan. Favorite Pairings Star Trek: 2009 Kirk/Spock Kirk/Bones Spock/Bones Supernatural Dean/Cas Dean/Michael Dean/Ruby(blonde) Dean/Gabriel Adam/Michael Sam/Gabriel Sam/Dean(brother fics only) Avengers Tony/Clint Tony/Loki Tony/Steve Tony/Natasha There is this really amazing story called Sivaas by SlateWalker, it is a really amazing story about Tony that really you will love if you read!! So check it out! If you loved Adam and believe that his time on the show was cut way too short then check out my community, that is all there is. Check out my favorite stories also there will be the stories that don't fit in the community but they deserve to be read and reviewed more. Okay, since the Avengers has came out I have totally been on an Iron Man and Captain America kick, as well as IronHawk and FrostIron (guilty pleasure)!! But I was just on youtube and found this really awesome Stony video. I will copy the link so that you can check it out if you want to. If you happen to know an really good stories that feature Iron Man let me know because he is my favorite Avenger. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=qBPYM4tfJSg&feature=endscreen Well TTFN! Post the Following if you're obsessed with Supernatural like me ;-) You say Gossip Girl, I say Supernatural You know you're obsessed with SUPERNATURAL when... You know the Winchester family history better than your own 10 Signs You are a Cas Girl 1. The phrase "Touched by an Angel" has a whole new meaning for you. 2. Trench coats make you giggle 3. You want to smack Dean in the back of the head in the Brothel scene in "Free to be You and Me" 4. You want to hug Castiel in the Brothel scene in "Free to be You and Me" and after he finds out God won't help in "Dark Side of the Moon" 5. You laugh when you see alcohol 6. When you see Biblical pictures of angels you shake your head and think "That's not what they look like" 7. Angel Food Cake makes you smile 8. You use Assbutt as an insult on whoever you can as much as you can. 9. References to narcotics, orgys, virgins, "that's how i roll", voices in cell phones, flatbread, not ordering from the menu, whoopie cushions, new FBI agents, pretty angel boys, action figures, brothels, Glenn Close, "I am very surprised" and "not incontinent", White Castle cheeseburgers, buses, lying, and mass quantities of alcohol freakin funny and the people around you dont get it. 10. You find the phrase "I'm the one that gripped you tight and saved you from perdition" slightly hot. 10 Signs You are a Dean Girl 1. Quarters turn you on 2. You always get the extra cookie 3. Gym shorts make you smile funny 4. You call anyone you know named Sam Sammy 5. You laugh when a Sammy Girl gawkes at the screen during 'Heart' 6. You get very offended when someone tells you to go to Hell 7. You know more about '80s hairbands now than you did in 2005 8. When you see a Prius, you try not to cry 9. Any reference to cassette tapes, Doublemint Twins, cats in lockers, the fabric softener teddy bear, purple nurples, busty asian beauties, Matlock, The Shining, Silence of the Lambs, Oktobe"rfest, Angel Food cake, flashlight manning, being so awesome, Cialis, sorority girls, pig in a poke, strip-o-gram, necrophelia, Batman, Gumby and/or Pokey, Ken Doll, Blue Steel, Silent Night, Teddy Bears, Mr. Rogers, the Cheif, handsome devils, REO Speedwagon, Eye of the Tiger, Bon Jovi, Die Hard, Do overs, scissors, Yorkies, Asia ("Heat of the Moment"), Chuckles, the full cowgirl, Fudge, slow dancing aliens, Manburger Helper, dog for dinner, minature philly cheese steak sandwhiches, PAs, being adorable, Demi Moore, Swayze'd, Obi Wan Kanobi, frisky women, clowns and/or midgets, Astronauts, howler monkeys, airplanes, Smith and Wesson, right?!, asshats, Paris Hilton, womens underwear, virgins, brothels, creaky old guys, Dr. Sexy, sitcoms, Japaneses Game shows, CSI, bigger mouths, Knight Rider, boredom, hot nurses, ham, cowboy boots, PUDDING!, howdy partner, "I Wuv Hugz", loving the devil, Cupid, make you laugh and no one else around you knows why. 10. You say driver picks the music shot gun shuts his cake hole as many times as you can 1) My favorite books are: The Hunger Games Trilogy, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, and The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer 2) My favorite fanfiction pairing from the Hunger Games are: CatoxKatniss, KatnissxGale, and KatnissxMarvel. 3) My favorite songs are: Let Me Love You by Ne-yo, Anything by the Black Keys, Most anthing by Muse, Home by Phillip Phillips, Someday Came Today By CHRIS PINE (yes that sexy man can sing amazing), Anything by Linkin Park, the list can go on and on and on. 4) Favorite kind of sunglasses: Avaitors 5) If I could be any animal I'd be: a lion 6) If I had To Write A Fanfic, What Would it Be About?: Probably about Loki but everything that i start to write always turns out wrong on paper. 7) If I was sent into the Hunger Games, What Weapon(s) would I use?: Bow and Arrow and knives. 8) What would you name your child if you had to name it from your favorite book series, movie, ect. : Ethan(Mission Impossible), Dean, Michael, Natasha, Scarlett (Gone With The Wind) 9) Who is your Hollywood crush?: CHRIS PINE, Robert Downey Jr., Jeremy Renner, Zachary Quinto(even though he is gay he is still smoking HOTT!), Tom Hiddleston 10) Who would you date if you were a movie star?: it is a tie between Chris Pine because of those knee melting to die for blue eyes of his and Tom Hiddleston because he is tall and sexy and has a sexy a* accent!! 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