Author has written 7 stories for Harry Potter. I'm a graduate student and erstwhile weapons researcher from Canada. I'm relatively new to writing Harry Potter fan fiction, but was a fan fiction writer a long, long time ago, back when Star Trek writers were pretty much the only sorts you could find. I hope you enjoy my stuff. I love well-written, thoughtful fanfic, and I'm more than happy to take recommendations. Reading Harry Potter stories on is kind of like digging through dirt for gems, and I like help in finding the gems.I seem to be quite good at writing stories no one really reads, but 'tis okay, for I write them for myself. I adore each and every one of you who is nice enough to drop a comment or two. Hey, and I come with a no-American-transfer-student guarantee! I suppose I'm mostly a horror and suspense writer. This makes me Grisly and Interesting. I am currently working on Confessional, an as-yet-unnamed mystery that I'm saving up until Confessional is all posted, and any number of teeny little ficlets. Right now, though, I'm in the process of posting all of Ad Astra. (Yes, that's right, I wrote something that can be legitimately classified as romance!) I rather like glancing at my story list. It's like a minor-character bebop! |