Name: Chazman89 Age: Old enough to know better, young enough to not give a damn. Location: Everywhere and nowhere at once. Occupation: Legal assistant at a real estate law firm. Likes: Rpgs, reading scifi and fantasy books, Naruto, Dragonball z, video games Dislikes: Assholes, people who judge others based on appearances. Favorite Naruto Pairings: NarutoxHinata: I am not sure what it is about this pairing, but it is my favorite. I think it may be because it embodies the saying that opposites attract, as Naruto and Hinata cannot be more opposite. Whatever the reason maybe, this pairing is number one for me. NarutoxFuu and NarutoxYugito: These two pairing are my second favorite. This one is quite easy to explain. All 3 of them are jinchuuriki, meaning they can easily relate to each other. NarutoxFuuxYugito: see above for my reasons for this 3 way pairing as it is the same reason that I like the individual pairings. There are more, and I will update with them as I come up with reasons. Story Names and Summaries Naruto: Kamigami no Senjō (Naruto: Battleground of the Gods): Order. Chaos. Two equal yet opposite forces. The conflict between the two has lasted for eons. Twice before it has enveloped the mortal realms. Now, they are threatened once more as the conflict wages on. The world of Naruto is about to be dragged into a conflict the likes of which has only been experienced twice before. War calls. Will you answer? Multi- crossover with elements from several video games, table top battle games, fantasy settings and comic books. Naruto: Saiyan Shinobi: It has been several decades since Goku left Earth at the end of Dragonball GT. He now wanders the universe, helping those in need, and fighting for those who can't fight for themselves. Recently, he took a break on the world of Naruto. Unfortunately for him, he arrived there just after the start of the Third Great Shinobi War. How will the presence of the greatest warrior in the universe alter the course of history? NarutoxDragonball/Z/GT Xover. Naruto: The Next Avatar: Ten thousand years ago, Avatar Aang defeated the emperor of the Fire Nation. One hundred years later, Korra helped bring peace to Republic City. Five hundred years after that, the last known Avatar died after bringing peace to the world, and starting the end of the Bender Era. Four thousand years later, the Rikudo Sennin learned how to shape chakra, ushering in the beginning of the Shinobi Era. Now, for the first time in almost five thousand years, the Avatar has been reborn as everyones favorite blond knucklehead. Why have the spirits and the gods decided that the Avatar is needed, and why did they choose Naruto to be the current Avatar? NarutoxLastAirbender Xover. |