Author has written 2 stories for Transformers. An End in Sight HEY THERE!! I'll bet you thought I'd fallen off the face of the earth... nope. The problem was that the person who works on my computer never got around to pulling the drive and hooking it up to my new computer so I could retrieve my story files. But we *finally* got the drive hooked up and it's data downloaded! Yes, I have my story! WHOO HOO! 'New Cybertron' Part 2 Update... And... Hopefully 2017 will be a kinder, gentler year. So, as to status, I need to review Part 2 and get back into the flow. Not sure when I'll be able to post when I have a pesty 11-year-old who *demands* more attention than I have time in the day... Sorry and thanks for your patience! Major Errors still need correction which are: (1) putting together the missing/accidentally deleted chapter bet. 8 and 10; (2) fixing the issue regarding Prowl's ship; (3) fixing the date problem in the latter chapters (dated 2007, which is wrong); and (4) grammatical errors in the earlier chapters, yadda yadda. I must admit I'm really frustrated in that I don't have the *time* to fix it all and still write. To borrow RID2015 parlance... scrud. Zots? Lastly, anybody interested in beta'ing this story -- or at least helping me out, PM me and we'll talk! :) Thank you for your patience and Thank you for reading! Q: Why is William Lennox in my story referred to as "Bill" and not "Will"? Q: Will this story include the AoE story-line? If you have more questions or comments about the story... PM me. Thanks! An End in Sight is my first attempted story... ever. And that probably shows, sorry. Grin This exercise has taught me many valuable lessons but most importantly that writing and crafting a unique story is not easy. Katie's Story The status: well, I've found errors and such so I'm currently reediting Katie's Story, my first one-shot. Like before, because I'm a new writer it shows and for that I'm sorry. One review in part commented that it sounded like it should be a longer story and I guess it has the potential but I can't expand on it without finishing AEIS first. There's no way I could juggle two stories given my schedule. Anyway, if you're interested in talking about this story, please PM. Thanks! What I've learned about writing is that the more characters and plot elements you have the more challenging the story becomes in writing. Which means I'm in search of a process in which to organize myself. If you have ideas, please PM me! If you happen to notice a consistent spellign (intentional mistake) error or grammatical error, please PM me! To the writers of stories: Wow, I'm truly humbled ... this is amazingly hard work! Couple that with a willingness to be vulnerable and share? You all are a seriously brave lot! Thank you for sharing your stories! |
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