Author has written 26 stories for Lord of the Rings, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Invader Zim. Name: Sirithiliel: "Overgrown Spirit" Favorite Quotes: "We were neither through nor resolute, even in those extreme moments. To every truth we found exception, to every answer another question. We denied everything. We abhorred the demon in ourselves, and yet doubted our abhorrence." C.J.Cherryh "Silent and deadly, this fearsome predator lurks in the still waters of nightmare. Timing, disguise, and the stubborn will to hold on. This is what it means to be of the Crocodile." - Me (Crocodiles are my fav. animal.) “What is darkness? Merely an absence of light. Or, perhaps, it is when the light is hidden away, to keep it from extinguishing. Darkness, whether good or ill, hides within itself. Maybe to protect itself? For when light comes into a darkened room, see you not how the shadows fall back? Does that not speak of fear, and a fear of being hurt? Many claim to be light, and others dark. Me? What am I but another lost soul looking for truth? Which way do I turn? Who do I follow? None. I shall go my own way. I shall stay in the shadows, neither dark nor light.” - Me. This is mine! |