Author has written 1 story for Glee.
Ola K Ase? *--*
Pos ahh!:p
Follow me on twitter, it's Sggt2011 c:
I'm Sara and as you see I love Ola K Ase?:3
I also love zombies, llamas, rainbows, ponies:B and Tacos!:D
Video Game?
I love Video Games like Minecraft, Dead Space, Batman: Arkham city and Asylum (I'm waiting for Gotham city;3) and others c:
What music do you like?
Well I like Metal, Rock, Dubstep, and others c:
Favorite TV show?
Glee:B, The Walking Dead, Pokemon, Adventure Time, The New Normal, Tosh 2.0, La sopa (or The Soup) *u*
Gleefan2012, Follow me;*
Favorite ships?
Klaine, Kurtbastian and Kadam *-*
Sports you practice?
Ballet and if you count all those hours at day on my Marching Band (Sometimes we do a lot of exercise, and other time we just practice:s)
Got anymore questions?
Just PM me, we can do the Harlem Shake!(*-*)