Captain Hair
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Joined 02-22-12, id: 3748267, Profile Updated: 01-12-16
Author has written 3 stories for Bleach.

1/13/2016 Status Update

'Sup people! Just an update here in case you happen to look here... I'm still alive! Well, the next chapter's currently at 5k words and counting, so no worries, this story is not dead yet. I've just graduated from university (or college if that's what you call it) and will be able to devote more time to writing. And other stuff! So look out for it soon:)

I see you've decided to visit this page. So what brings you here? Are you here because of my stories? If so, hi! If not, hi anyway! I'm Captain Hair... Ok i'm not. Someone came up with that name first and if you know who, thank you for being awesome.

Ok what next? A little bit about me -

Gender: Male (I see no evidence to the contrary)

Age: It's only a number. Who cares?

Personality: I like to think I'm a nice guy, and i really don't anger easily, unless the right buttons are pushed. Then the gloves come off. Fast.

Religion: I'm a Christ Follower!

Why I'm here on FanFiction: I stumbled on this site sometime in 2011, can't remember when. Eventually I decided to try my hand at writing, just for the fun of it. It's a great way to pass the time too. I don't really have a way with words but I believe my use of English is pretty solid. My only grouse is the fact that my country follows the UK method of spelling, so it gets irritating when I get flagged wrong for certain words.

I like stories with some action and romance in them. Nothing over the top for romance, unless its a pairing I like!

Don't like yaoi or anything along those lines, but i won't go so far as to flame them.

No sappy, cliche and overused dramas in romance about how the main couple goes through some sort of misunderstanding which threatens to tear them apart. Sure, everything usually turns out right in the end but it's pretty overused. As such, any drama you see in my stories have nothing to do with romance :).

Oh, and gender benders? Come on! I find it very weird to read a story with a name I know belongs to a guy, and yet have him being a girl. What for??

I especially hate stories that are unrealistic. For example: an anime character with a Japanese name has a sibling/relative/child with an English name? That makes absolutely no sense!

I have a plan for my stories, but it's getting there that's the problem.

Favorites: Not many, but I like my favorites with a passion

Favorite Manga/Anime:

Bleach - (Or as some might know it, NaClO)... Ok that was lame, unnecessary and uncalled for.
If there was a captain in the Gotei 13 that could be nicknamed Captain Hair, my money's on Kenpachi taichou!

DragonBall Z - Apologies, but i absolutely reject GT. Toriyama Akira didn't write it, and the plot kinda sucked. Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of Goku, but couldn't someone else beat the bad guy like Gohan did Cell? And nearly all the characters were relegated to the sidelines throughout the whole thing. It felt like same old, same old to me.

Digimon - Loved 01, 02 & Frontier. Tamers was nice but I only managed to watch the whole thing once.

Favorite TV Shows:

Whose Line Is It Anyway? - If you love it, you're awesome. Loved how they could be so spontaneous and funny at the same time. Personally I like Improv more than scripted humor, because the actors are prone to screw ups as well. Pity it had to end, and my country no longer shows it :(

Friends - Funny, and still is. Nuff said.

HIMYM - Love it

Big Bang Theory - Must you ask why?

Favorite Cartoons:

I would claim that I don't watch cartoons anymore, but then I'd be lying. Hey, I'm a child at heart.

Danny Phantom

Teen Titans

Spongebob Squarepants

Looney Tunes - Ah... Classics

Favorite Music Artists:


Lincoln Brewster and Chris Tomlin are great as well :)!

Breaking Benjamin

Owl City

Secondhand Serenade

Three Days Grace



Favorite Games

Dead Space 2 & 3

Borderlands 2

Far Cry 3

Favorite Pairings:(I think I'm a bit of a sap. So sue me!)

Mostly canon pairings, unless there aren't any, so I lean towards what I see as the most compatible ones!

Bleach - Anything goes... Except for IchiRuki!!! NO ONE TOUCHES ICHIRUKI!!!

Dragonball Z - Canon ones like GohanxVidel, GokuxChichi and so on

Digimon - Other than the canon ones, TakeruxHikari, KoushiroxMimi, TakuyaxIzumi

Other Random Favorites:

Football (or Soccer) Team: Manchester United FTW!!!

Guitar and Singing. I'm a baritone, but I sing bass in my church choir!

I think I've revealed too much about myself. Oh well. I believe everyone starts out at rock bottom so in my case, that means that my stories aren't much to talk about. Appreciate any constructive criticism, but please have a basis for it. If you flame/criticize with ridiculous reasons, I can and will ridicule you publicly. I explain what I see as potential controversies, so if you attack my decision and not my explanation, good luck to you:)

Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

Death Is Only The Beginning reviews
9-year old Ichigo lived and died about 100 years ago. Sent to district 78 of South Rukongai, Inuzuri, you can guess who he'll meet. He was the one who changed her world. But now he's going to change it, right from the very beginning. Perhaps in death, they'll find happiness. It is but the next great journey...
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 51 - Words: 296,883 - Reviews: 2250 - Favs: 3,193 - Follows: 3,246 - Updated: 3/5/2016 - Published: 5/13/2012 - Ichigo K., Rukia K.
Full Circle reviews
For he has 24 hours left. 24 hours till the last of his powers fade. Till he'll be normal again. It'll be the longest, yet the shortest, 24 hours he ever has, for by this time tomorrow, he'll never see her face again. It started with the two of them, and so shall it end. A retelling of the infamous (or famous) manga chapter 423
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,861 - Reviews: 16 - Favs: 49 - Follows: 52 - Published: 7/11/2015 - [Ichigo K., Rukia K.]
Strawberry Fix reviews
AU- They were best friends, until he ran away after a tragic incident. 10 years on, his 'job' reunites them, unleashing a chain of events that could separate them permanently this time round. IchiRuki! COMPLETE with EPILOGUE!
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Suspense - Chapters: 35 - Words: 183,840 - Reviews: 220 - Favs: 108 - Follows: 61 - Updated: 6/9/2012 - Published: 2/24/2012 - Ichigo K., Rukia K. - Complete