Author has written 1 story for Farscape. I still don't want to say that "Unrealized Peacekeeper" is abandoned...but as the years pass, it's looking less and less likely that I'll find both the time and motivation to continue it, at the same time. Perhaps instead I'll type up a summary of where I originally planned the story to go, and post that as a synopsis. |
Abraxan (8) BeepKeeper (44) Bobmin356 (19) Celebony (10) chubby redburn (6) cofax (20) | CritterKeeper (23) dunuelos (56) kb0 (46) ksomm814 (13) loralee1 (30) old-crow (14) | rpnielsen (1) teacherbev (9) whydoyouneedtoknow (60) witowsmp (24) |