I'm more of a reader or drawer so you'll never see a flame from me. Best of luck to all you upcoming writers! Single Taken Mentally dating a character that doesn't actually exist About Me: Cat Clan: Shadowclan Hogwarts House Slytherin or Hufflepuff though the self-preservation that got me into Slytherin is telling me to be a Hufflepuff :3 Who wants to deal with the Griffendor/Slytherin grudge match anyways Update:According to my Pottermore acount I'm a official Hufflepuff with an Apple wood wand, 10 and 3 quarters inches and Unicorn hair core. X3 Gender: Female Likes: Chocolate, Nightcrawler, German, Native American myths, Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Sesame Chicken, Naruto, Hyenas,Personality Quizes, Disney, Corn, Mash Potatoes, Batman, and a buncha other stuff... DislikesIgnorance (rascism,rudeness,etc.), people with a chip in their shoulder and takes it out on others, peas, lima beans, tragidies, ADULT Sauske Uchiha -, and the color blue , there I said it! x_x -I don't want your stinkin' pamplet!-Phineas The show where animals attack people I hate!D:( It's a comedy! :D-Harley Quinn Huh. On feb 29th I found out House also was a bad guy in the 101 Dalmations live action... Huh. Funny Gaijin experience on living in Japan! Read the Gaijin Chronicles! :D Here's a link! Fare thee the well (-)/ |
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