![]() Author has written 11 stories for One Piece, Naruto, Flash, and Toriko. I am clashofthelegends My real name is none of your concern, I'm a boy, I am 22, my birthday is in June and that is all you will get out of me for the time being. FYI Goku, Luffy and Toriko have a Grandfather (DBZ-Past), Father (One Piece-present) and Son (Toriko-Future) relationship. Naruto is like their step brother while Bleach and Fairy Tail are the cousins. Favorite TV shows are THE FLASH, ARROW, DOCTOR WHO (I'm a Whooligan, sue me), PSYCH, NCIS, White Collar, Once Upon a Time, Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Marvel's Daredevil, 90's cartoons, Power Rangers (until 2004 after that its sporadic). My favorite Anime/Manga are ONE PIECE( Epic since 1997), DBZ (duh), TORIKO (Awesome and highly recommended), ONE PUNCH MAN (YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE MISSING), FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST (truly a work of art), FAIRY TAIL (pretty cool gotten worse), BLEACH (only recently got into it and its kind of eh) NARUTO (has fallen from my top three but still cool), SHAMAN KING (so sad that it is over), REBORN (molto bene!) MEDAKA BOX (awesome) and SOUL EATER (new and amazing). my favorite books are Harry Potter series, Lord of the Rings series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus/ Kane Chronicles and a bunch of other series, And adventure books. Favorite Video Games, Assassin's Creed Series, Batman Arkham Series, God of War Series, InFamous Series, One Piece Pirate Warriors series, Ratchet and Clank Series, Transformers War for Cybertron, Fall of Cybertron, Uncharted Series My favorite past times are reading (fanfiction/Manga/Comics and normal books), sometimes writing, playing video games, watching TV/Anime, sleeping, walking/Hiking(anywhere,especially with my dog) oh and eating (seriously who does not love to eat) and spending time with Friends and Family (Grandma and Grandpa). For those who may be wondering about Rise of the Kaizoukage the Structure is as follows; Introduction Arc: Chapters 1 - 6 (6) Uncharted Island Arc: Chapters 7 - 14 (8) GX Arc: Chapters 15 - 27 (13) Amazon Lily Incident Arc: Chapters 28 - 34 (7) Uzugakure Hidden Temple Arc: Chapters 34 - 43 (10) Gourmet Island Arc: 44 - Current The Plan is to end Part 1 in roughly 35 chapters (maybe longer cause of the final arc should be the longest as it contains the most critical events), that should wrap up this arc and the next two arcs Bringing us to the time skip of this story. Favorite Characters The Flash (Comic and TV show) Barry Allen, Wally West, Jay Garrik, Bart Allen, Eobard Thawne, Iris West, Leonard Snart, Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Dr. Harrison Wells, Joe West, Patty Spivot, Gorilla Grodd, Hunter Zolomon Arrow (TV show) Oliver Queen, Laurel Lance, John Diggle, Thea Queen, Roy Harper, Malcolm Merlyn, Slade Wilson, Damian Darhk Green Lantern (Comics) Hal Jordan, Kyle Rayner, Ganthet, Sinestro, Saint Walker, Atrocitus, John Stewart, Anti-Monitor, Black Hand One Piece All the Straw Hats, Ace, Marco, Whitebeard, Law, Kidd, Shanks, Mihawk, Boa Hancock, Crocodile, Kuzan (Aokiji), Sakazuki (Akainu), Borsalino (Kizaru), Issho (Fujitora) and Garp Toriko Toriko, Komatsu, Coco, Sunny, Zebra, Teppi, Starjun, Tommyrod, Grinpatch, Jirou, Ichiiryu, Tengu Buranchi, Setsuno, Terry, Midora DB(Z) Goku, Piccolo, Vegeta, Buu, Frieza, Trunks, Gohan, Goten, Mr. Satan Thank You, if you sneezed while reading this Bless you. Have a Fantastic day Ciao Ciao |