Author has written 2 stories for Twilight. Hi, I'm Nikki. I'm a hard working student who loves to read. I'm Team Blackwater!!! Team Leah!!! Team Jacob!!! Team Seth!!! Team Cullens!!! And Team Wolf Pack!!! In that order. I love romances, humors, and dramas. I also have a thing for smiley faces. ;D I think Blackwater is the BEST!!! It's my two favorite characters put together, so how can that not be the BEST!!! They are the Alpha Pair and should run the pack together, as it should have been in the book. I think SM lost her mind by not putting them together. I LOVE Jacob, because he's the sexy Alpha with a big heart. I love how he loves so completely, even if he did waste it on Bella. I think he is smart and a great Leader. Did I mention he was sexy, lol. :) I LOVE Leah for her strong personality, and for how loyal she is. I think SM waste a perfectly good character by not making her have all that she should, and by not seeing all that she could be. Leah is a strong, beautiful woman, and that's why she and Jake make a great couple. They make the perfect Alpha pair. I LOVE Seth, because he's Seth, and that's all that needs to be said there, lol. I LOVE both Clearwater children, because they have each other's backs, and love one another like siblings should. They don't always get along, but at the end of the day, they won't let anyone, pack or not, mess with each other. They remind me of my siblings and I, when were not trying to kill each other. ;) While Blackwater is my first love, I also like Leah and Edward paired together. I LOVE the Cullens, {Not Bella, and unless done right} because they fight their true nature to be better. I also love how they are like a real family, they fight and play together. They will put their lives on the line for each other, even when someone is a waste of space, Bella. But, my favorite Cullen is Rose, because she is so much fun, and she hates Bella like I do. :) She just has a great personality, and I love when her and Leah are friends. I also like when Leah is paired with Nahuel. They are both unique, and I think they would be good for each other. They are both the only of their kind and that can be hard, so I like them being paired. Plus it's fun seeing how people put them together. :) My Favorites: Blackwater Leah Clearwater Jacob Black Seth Clearwater Wolf Pack {Not Sam or Emily} Rosalie Cullen Alice Cullen Edward Cullen Jasper Cullen Emmett Cullen Mr. & Mrs. Cullen {Just because they go together for me, always :)} I DON'T LIKE Bella, Emily, or Sam in that order. I HATE how Bella got it all in the books when she didn't deserve anything. I hate how needy she was, and just her personally. That's not to say that I can't enjoy her if a writer makes her OOC, but only then. Or they just have to write her really well for me to be okay with her, but I love when they don't because it's soooo much more fun to bash her, lol. I HATE Emily no matter how she's is written, because at the end of the day, she had a choice in the matter, and picked a man over her family. (You NEVER pick anyone over your family, let alone a man.) I don't care how you look at it, or want to dress it up, she's a back stabbing bitch. And I love when stories have it written that way, because that's the way it is. I HATE Sam, because he's a weak man, who never deserved Leah in the first place. I don't think he's over Leah fully, and I get a sick pleasure out of fics that have bad things happening to any of them, lol. ;) I HATE fics that have Leah being screwed the whole time. SM screwed Leah over, so if a story starts off bad for her, but then she gets the happy ending that she deserves, I'm okay with that. But stories where she just a sad bitch crying over Sam the whole time, I hate, and can't even finish the story. There is no way my Leah would really be like that. I just think Sam is an asshole, who trys to act like a nice person, just like Bella and Emily. :( That's why I love fanfic, it proves I'm not the only smart person in the world that sees through their sorry act. :) My Dislikes: Bella Swan Sam Uley Emily Young Writers who hate on Leah and/or Jake. I am indifferent when it comes to Renesmee. While I HATE that SM made Jake imprint on her, I don't have a personal hate for her from the books. But, when it comes to fanfics, I can either like or hate her. That is left up to the writers, and how they want to show her personality. There are some great authors on this site, but I just wanted to name a few. These are some of the authors that have stories that I have read over and over again. They write, Blackwater stories, Leah/Edward stories, Leah/Nahuel stories, and lots of other pairings. They are really great writers and should be visited. The names are not in an order or anything like that. :D Great Authors: Justagirl28 Stephycats7785 OoOMerry-had-a-little-lambOoO rainingstars123 Vivienne67 cucumber07 Lolabean10012007 Lady Blackwater BlacknCallwaterfan |
BlacknCallwaterfan (20) CaPtain SpOcKettE (25) CatTheWall (3) Cucumber07 (1) | DarkBrownEyes03 (18) IdShipThis (36) Justagirl28 (27) Kia-B (26) | Lolabean07 (21) Malaya Mone't (4) Stephycats7785 (227) |