![]() Author has written 2 stories for Yami no Matsuei. Name: Raine aka Purishira or Cilly, Cilla, Cilly-Cilla Pen Name: IchikoKitsuneKoumori Alternate meanings: –SorceressFoxBat –MediumFoxBat –FemaleFortunetellerFoxBat –NumberOneChildFoxBat –NumberOneBabeFoxBat ichiko – means ‘sorceress, medium, female fortuneteller’ ichi – means ‘number one’ ko – means ‘child, babe’ kitsune – means ‘fox’ koumori – means ‘bat’ Magic(k) or sorcery are terms referring to the alleged influencing of events and physical phenomena by supernatural, mystical, or paranormal means. They can refer to cultural complexes of beliefs and practices that believers can resort to in order to wield this supernatural influence; and also, to similar cultural complexes that seek to explain various events and phenomena by supernatural means. In spirituality, a medium or spirit medium (plural mediums) is an individual who claims to have the ability to receive messages from spirits (dis-corporate entities), or claims that he or she can channel such entities — that is, write or speak in the voice of these entities rather than in the medium's own voice. Fortune-telling is the practice of seemingly predicting the future, usually of an individual, through seemingly mystical or supernatural means and often for commercial gain. It often conflates with the religious practice known as divination. VJapaneseV – yaoi – is a male/male relationship, usually of the more sexual and explicit nature than shounen ai boy love. – yuri – is a female/female relationship, usually of the more sexual and explicit nature than shoujo ai girl love. – shounen ai – literally means boy love, refers to things stressing the emotional side of romantic relationships between males. – shoujo ai – literally means girl love, refers to things stressing the emotional side of romantic relationships between females. – seme – the more dominant partner in a relationship... also known as the person on the top. – The person from whom a technique is applied; often taken to mean the opponent. In Japanese martial arts, the seme (pronounced sem-ay) is the person who "applies" a technique. – uke – the more submissive partner in a relationship... also known as the person on the bottom. – The person to whom a technique is applied; often taken to mean the opponent. In Japanese martial arts, the uke (pronounced oo-keh) is the person who "receives" a technique. – chibi – a style of drawing characters with childlike features. Characters are rendered as youthful, chubby, emotional beings. - owari - meaning 'the end' Fan-Fiction Terminology AU: Alternate Universe. i.e. alternate reality from original series BTW: By The Way. Beta-Reader: an individual, ideally one who is knowledgeable with regard to spelling, grammar, and punctuation and is familiar with the shows canon, who reads a story before it is made public and checks for errors and plot inconsistencies canon: a word used by those who write fan fiction. It refers to the original body of work that the fan fiction came from FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions. flame: basically a extremely rude letter with nothing that even helps the author improve. Flames are usually badly written and chocked full of Internet slang. For example, Telling someone to do the world a favor and stop writing. FYI: For Your Information. GEN: General. fan fiction of a general nature and usually safe for all age groups to read HET: Heterosexual. fan fiction that features either implied or bluntly portrays a heterosexual relationship between two or more characters HIATUS: A break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action, etc IC: In Character. where characters are portrayed in the usual context Lemon: term referring to scenes containing graphic sexual content Lime: term referring to scenes containing sexual inferences or sexual behavior without the graphic sexual content Mary Sue: a negative reference to a female character commonly used by beginning writers in their Fan-fiction. most times, the "Mary-Sue" is based upon the author. she is unusually perfect and more advanced, also befriends or becomes romantically entangled with the author's favorite character/characters from the series. because she is more superior than the other characters in the work, she mainly becomes the focus of the fan fiction, thus ruining whatever the fan fiction was about NCS: Non-Consensual Sex. OC: Original Character. OFC: Original Female Character. OMC: Original Male Character. OOC: Out of Character. characters that are displayed in ways incongruous with their roles on the series OVA/OAV: Original Video Action/Original Action Video. direct release of movie/series to video POV: Point Of View. PWP: Plot? What Plot? RnR: Read and Review. RR Revamp: to patch up or renovate; repair or restore SD: Super-Deformed. character is drawn in a chibi state to express extreme emotions like anger, love, sadness, exasperation... Self-Insertion: is for the reader to insert themselves as the character shipper: Relation-shipper. one who believes there is, was, should, and could be a relationship between 2 characters in a certain fandom slash: genre of fan fiction involving pairing two male or female characters together; characters are commonly shown with a slash in between TBC: To Be Continued. WIP: Work In Progress. xover/x-over: Crossover. when two or more anime/shows connect or overlap Note: Does anyone have more to add? Send them to me! Age: I'm 32 Zodiac: Virgo Chinese Zodiac: OX(1985)= Bright, Inspiring, Patient and Head-Working Planet: Mercury Gem/Spiritual Stone: Jasper – This stone could grant the bearer protection from sadness. It may soothe bruised emotions. Birthstone: Sapphire Clear Thinking Flower: Rose Acacia – You tend to want to surround yourself with elegant things. September - Aster, Morning Glory Guardian Angel: Michael – "Who is like God." Star: Al Awa – Those with this star are often objects of others' desire. Weird, isn't it? Health Scent: Orange Blossom – This scent may balance your body, mind, and soul. This stuff is from a horoscope book or something. Cards of Life: 9 of Clubs Birth Colors: Lime You are calm, but easily stressed out. You get jealous easily do I?, and complain over little things I do. You can't get stuck into one thing, but you have a capable personality for everyone to trust you and like you. Lime Tree (Doubt) - intelligent, hard working, accepts what life dishes out, but not before trying to change bad circumstances into good ones, hates fighting and stress, enjoys getaway vacations, may appear tough, but is actually soft and relenting, always willing to make sacrifices for family and friends, has many talents but not always enough time to use them, can become a complainer, great leadership qualities, is jealous at times geez, what's up with the jealous stuff? but extremely loyal. well that's good Symbol: Crescent – You are more likely to be influenced by the phases of the moon. Your easygoing manner leads you to peaceful situations. Grade: College Sex: Female Height: 5.7 ft. Eyes: Hazel they can look different colors Hair: Long Ash Blond, Strawberry Highlights FAVORITES Food: I LOVE BREAKFAST FOODS! Ice Cream: Superman, Mint Chocolate Chip Animals: Horse, Seal, Dog, Fox, Ferret, Cat, Cockatiel, Red Panda Mythical Animals: Unicorn horn, Pegasus wings, Unisus/Pegacorn hornwings, Dragon, Centaur, Winged Centaur Smells: Burning wood, Baby powder, Roses, Cinnamon, Coconut, Vanilla, Before and After it Rains... the air smells so clean SAYINGS/PHRASES/QUOTES F O C U S F uck O ff C uz' yo U r S tupid "It is a wise man who talks little, but a wiser who talks to the point." "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall!" –Confucious "Will you please shut that hole under your nose?" –Richard Case Closed If I can't trust myself, than it would be a lot harder to trust those I want to trust. "Try not to let your mind wander. It’s too small to be outside on its own." –T-shirt homework. n. (def.) a crude form of mind control still practiced in some primitive societies "I'm so different and you laugh at me because of that. You are all the same, so I laugh at you." "Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak." Small people talk about OTHERS, Average people talk about THINGS, Great people talk about IDEAS. "A positive attitude will not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort." "Always remember- when a guy sweeps you off you're feet, he is in the perfect position to drop you on your ass." One day, your prince will come. Mine? Oh, he just took a wrong turn, got lost, and is too stubborn to ask for directions "In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends who didn't stick up for you." "You'd think they'd be at least one smart person on the Earth other than the ones who have filed for insanity..." –Unknown Breaking the spirit of someone is worst then death. I don't care who you are, no one deserves that. –Me IchikoKitsuneKoumori Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.' "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye." –Unknown "History is like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace, and revolution continue on forever..." –Gundam Wing so true, :sighs: and it sucks "You don’t realize what you have until you lose it. And even when you regain it, it’s easy to forget what it was ever like." –Midou Ban GetBackers "Those in the ninja world who break the rules and regulations are called trash... But... Those who don't care about their companions are worse than trash!" –Kakashi Naruto damn this is long, isn't it? Well you've got this far, so why not finish...? Do more than exist, live. Do more than touch, feel. Do more than look, observe. Do more than read, absorb. Do more than hear, listen. Do more than listen, understand. Do more than think, ponder. Do more than talk; say something. - John H. Rhoades Poem is great advice Things I do, would like and/or love to do more of Read Stories/Fan Fiction I love to read all kinds, though mostly it has to have romance in it PlayStation 2 Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy X, X-2 Final Fantasy 12 Ico |
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