Author has written 4 stories for Dragon Knights, Naruto, and Kingdom Hearts.
I have long since moved to AO3.
Please come talk to me there--my username's the same!
9/20/13: A new drawing added to The Violet Room fanart gallery!
I've finally gotten my act together and arranged a DevArt gallery of the incredible fanworks which people have been creating for The Violet Room. You can view the gallery here. There's a collection just for TVR! A big shout out and a huge thank you to ApertureBoo, Plasmodesmata, Nutbrain, hanyou-cat, A1y55, zenelly-raen, Amethyst98, Maggie10, Grande-Valse-Brillan, SisterofScarletDevil, Lil-Kiddy-K, and the newest amazing artist added: Secretie!
6/25/11: TV Tropes page?
I was poking around on TV Tropes looking for KH fic recs today, and I discovered that not only has TVR been rec'd, it also, apparently, has its own TV Tropes page? Pardon me while I go into a corner and squeal uncontrollably. TV Tropes is one of my favorite websites in the world, so this feels like a huge honor or just... awesome. It feels awesome. The kind of awesome where you just sort of giggle helplessly for a while because you don't know what to do with yourself anymore. Thank you so much Kris Mahai for starting the page and reccing the fic--here is a huge, huge thank you for making my year! Check out the page everyone and add your favorite TVR tropes!
H a p p i l y – E v e r – A f t e r
LiveJournal . DeviantArt . Tumblr
...The Odds and Ends
Names: Sarehptar, Sareh. "Sarehptar" is pronounced a bit like "Sar-ray-tar" and nothing like "Sarah-puh-tar". D':
Birthday: 10.10.1988
Eyes: Gray-green
Hair: Long, burgundy, messy
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 110 lbs
Location: A Mountain, Utah
Occupation: Writing Instructor for USC
Favorite Authors: Hemingway, Rumi, Amy Tan, Richard Wright, Yeats, Eliot, Kafka, Marquez, Wilde, Faulkner, Tolstoy
Favorite Bands: Depeche Mode, Daft Punk, Ryan Adams & The Cardinals, Mae, The Killers, No Doubt, etc.
Favorite Color: Gunmetal grey, dark red
Favorite Animal: Red Panda
Favorite Movie: The Sound of Music, Hotel Rwanda, Iron Jawed Angels, Glory
Favorite Weather: Thunderstorms
Favorite Time of Day: 3 to 4:30 am
Favorite Subject: Nature Writing
Pets: King, my black and tan coonhound, Remiel, my Russian blue kitten, and Mr. and Mrs. Chicken, a pair of black-hearted finches.
List of fandoms.
List of favorite pairings.
Current Goals:
! Write all the things I'm supposed to be writing oh god.
Current Fandom:
Currently Reading:
Is Takemikazuchi/Kiun a weird thing to say?
Everything Else
! Fiction Updates:
)) Cloaks
Class - Multi-chapter
Category Dragon Knights
Next Predicted Post: ?
Status: Well, one day. Probably.
)) Fallacy
Class - 100themes challenge, Kharl-centric.
Category Dragon Knights
Next Predicted Post: ?
Status: 43/100 themes complete.
I wish my heart could be as quiet as the night.