Author has written 268 stories for Bleach, Sailor Moon, Pretty Guardian Sailormoon/美少女戦士 セーラームーン, Final Fantasy VII, Naruto, Death Note, Star Wars, StarTrek: The Original Series, D.Gray-Man, Heroes, Fullmetal Alchemist, Le Chevalier D'Eon, Kingdom Hearts, Pokémon, Harry Potter, Doctor Who, Valkyria Chronicles, Blue Exorcist/青の祓魔師, Soul Eater, Warhammer, Old Kingdom/Abhorsen series, Utena, Misc. Books, and Puella Magi Madoka Magica/魔法少女まどか★マギカ. Hi! I'm a twenty-somethings writer who loves anime and science fiction and fantasy novels. I actually am writing a quite few things that are better than what I have up, but they aren't done yet (I finally got rid of my incredible inability to finish anything, but I am still unable to finish anything more than two pages long). Yay, mass updates whenever I do update. I've decided to back-archive a bunch of my drabbles from my livejournal (which is where you can find most of my writing that I've finished). I realize there might be some possible confusion on the Sailor Moon stuff--much of it is PGSM, the live action series, so it might seem a bit odd to those who only know the manga or anime. More details and timelines on my lj. Also, some of them are for a crack!fic challenge, so I may not have made much effort to make it clear everywhere when I'm being serious or not. I love and appreciate reviews very much, I just fail completely at answering them. So, don't really expect me to get back to you, because I probably will not, or at least not soon. I'm just too lazy... I mean busy, really. I particularly appreciate signed reviews, or ones that include an email address, because if you actually say something other than "gr3at" or "sux", I might want to get back to you and if you don't, I can't. And: these are drabbles. That theoretically means 100 words, though most are a bit longer, but not more than 300 or so. I've heard enough of "that was nice, but a little short". I know! If you hate short fics, read the word count before clicking on something. Check out my lj for more fic. My username is purplekitte (no "n" at the end of kitten) and all my fic is listed in an index page there. I don't cross post my higher rated and/or more involved stuff here. You can find me on AOOO as purplekitte as well. You know what happens when you combine an insomnic agnostic with a dyslexic? You get someone who lays awake at night wondering if there really is a dog. This joke has been on here since I started the account. That was many, many years ago. |