Author has written 43 stories for Card Captor Sakura, Hime-chan no Ribbon, Lost Universe, Fruits Basket, Suikoden, Real Adventures of Jonny Quest, Diana Wynne Jones, Voltron, and Fantastic 4. Because of deleting one of my fics without just cause, I've decided not to update my fics in anymore. A nasty member had a personal vendetta against another member and reported all the fics listed in this particular member's C2 list as violating "grammar" rules. Which of course is not true. decided to delete all the fics in that C2 list without determining if the accusation was true or not. And when I tried to inquire about what happened, I was pretty much ignored by administration. Not even an automatic e-mail saying that my message was received, etc. So to prevent from my fics being unjustly deleted again, I will no longer update my fics in this archive. Thank you to all of you who have been following my fics. This doesn't mean that I will stop updating my fics, however. Right now, time allowing, I'm in the very slowprocess of moving my fics in a personal website. You can check it out in my homepage link above. More quicker updates will be available in my account at : I will put in this page, however, any updates I put in my Mediaminer account for all of you guys loyally following my fics. Thanks again for your support, and I'm sorry for the inconvinience. I love you guys! January 11, 2007 Update: "Fumei no Musubi COMPLETED! Chapter 15 and Epilogue": http:///fanfic/view_ch.php?cid=465397&submit=View+Chapter&id=26238 |
Community: | PRINCE YUKI 4EVAH! |
Focus: | Anime/Manga Fruits Basket |