Author has written 14 stories for Stargate: Atlantis, Song of the Lioness, Doctor Who, Yu Yu Hakusho, Hikaru no Go, Young Wizards, Star Trek: 2009, and Bleach. Rusting Roses If you are a dreamer, come in If you are a dreamer A wisher, a liar A hoper, a prayer A magic bean buyer If you're a pretender, Come sit by my fire! For we have some flax golden tales to spin Come in! Come in! ~ Shel Silverstein Thank you all for dropping by my site, I'm glad that you could join me. I'm going to be posting some stuff about my stories on here, things like updates and story status. Hope you enjoy reading! Updated 7/19/11 As of now, pretty much all of my work can be found over on my livejournal: http://rusting-roses[dot]livejournal[dot]come I hope you stop by! Oh, and by the way, in case somebody out there doesn't know what FANfiction (and allow me to indicate to you that I've capitalized the word FAN) is, here's the obligatory disclaimer: I do not, nor have I ever, nor will I ever own any series that I've chosen to write for. They are the property of the author/mangaka/etc respectively; I have no claim whatsoever. Whatever series I choose to write for is strictly for my own enjoyment and (hopefully!) for the enjoyment of all you lovely people who have read my work. Thanks! |
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