Author has written 27 stories for His Dark Materials, Les Miserables, and Phantom of the Opera. Hello! I'm Elen, and I like to write mostly Les Miserables(both book and musical, but mainly book) and His Dark Materials. However, I also like Harry Potter, Phantom of the Opera, Jekyll and Hyde; basically any 19th century novel or fun musical you can throw at me, I'll love. I don't really like or dislike any characters, but if any character is made completely OOC(*ahem*Eponine*ahem*), then I'm not a particular fan of that character. I like new ideas, as opposed to old and tired fanfics. I seem to be fond of very random amounts of things, namely: singing, playing the piano (both classical and some Broadway) , knitting anything and everything (from lovely skating sweaters to caterpillars), learning new things, currently spinning (which I am, by the way, horrible at, because I can't find anyone to teach me), doing taekwondo (I'm a red stripe! hurrah!), studying all kinds of history, reading, and many other random things I can't remember at the moment. My pet characters/pairings are as follows. From Phantom of the Opera: Christine/Raoul, Erik/Meg, and Meg/Christine From His Dark Materials: Lyra/Roger, Serafina/Marisa, Marisa/Asriel, and I like Lyra/Will as long as it isn't reunion, songfic, angstfic, or generally bland and unoriginal. My AIM is jehaninblack. I also like reviews! : D |