Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter. I am a Hoosier born and bred young man who enjoys reading Harry Potter and Twilight these are the first two book series that I have ever been able to read in my life. I have found many stories on this site in the HP and Twilight worlds that I have enjoyed reading. I love movies and video games. That pretty much sums me up. This is one of my favorite sites and I love reading others works. I have posted my first and possibly my last fic on this site. I understand you have your own opinion and I will not blame you for voicing it but when you are too cowardly to do so by not signing in and then reviewing when all you can say is slanderous things about the author and take pot shots at someone who is putting something out there to read that has taken some time and thought to produce than I have a suggestion for you DON'T READ IT! Skip my story and don't read it I am not forcing you to agree with my views and I will not bother with yours. Yes I have read Twilight and I liked it that does not mean I batt for the other team. I am not begging for your reviews and I would rather you not review if you are going to presume to make assumptions as to who I am. That is not what this site is for and if you are too chicken Shit to post under your own name and only as a guest than don't even peruse my story. I will be happier for it and so will those who seem to enjoy what is written. I am not a professional writer nor have I ever claimed to be. So enough of my rant if you don't like it don't read it as simple as that. Now that is done with... My favorite ships: Harry/Tonks Harry/Hermione Harry/Fleur Harry/Fleur/Tonks/Hermione (Or combination of two) Harry/Ginny (To a point. I don't totally agree with JK's canon ships) Harry/Daphne (have read a couple and they are interesting) Harry/Narcissa (again see reason above) Neville/Ginny (They seem to work) Ron/Luna (Though I cannot stand Ron he does well with Luna) Ships I cannot stand: Ron/Hermione (Don't think they work and are totally wrong for eachother) Remus/Tonks (Personally think 13 years is too big an age gap and Remus deserves someone his age to understand him better) Harry/Slash (Sorry I am not a homophobe but this is not something I will never enjoy reading personally) Hermione/Ginny (Again not against same sex relationships just don't think this one makes sense) Lily/with any one but James (I mean come on why would you seriously think any different) Remus/Sirius (not beating a dead dog so see other pairing above for expliantion) Harry/Pansy (Slytherin whore with boy who lived yeah right) Ginny/Draco or Hermione/Draco (Sorry he is a dick and cruel to a fault he is the reason both female characters were hurt) Stories I like on FF: I really like the time travel fics they are interesting. HONKS or HARMONY both ships are great and most stories are my favorites. Also a big fan of Harry/Fleur fics that is a pairing that has really peaked my interest and I like how most are done. Harry gets his family back, James and Lily alive fics with them raising and being with Harry are my favorites. I think he had too much taken from him in cannon and was given very little in return. Tonks being alive after the Battle of Hogwarts and her and Harry raising Teddy and falling in love. Ok I think this is an interesting idea and if written right it is awesome. Harry and Hermione realize they are more than friends. I am a HARMONY fic fan I think this is the direction JK was heading but then threw it out the window and threw in the ginger git. Some OOC not every character has to be pidgeonheld. I am not apposed nor do I support character bashing, unless it is pointed where it belongs. I don't mind reading a little Weasley or Dumbles bashing if it is done well. I am not for just totally making a character so evil they are cackling idiots by the end. But if it is done proper I will read it. Basically as long as it is Harmony or one of my other favorites and it is not insanely stupid I will read it. I have no issues with others stories but if I don't agree with it and can't look past it far enough to enjoy reading it I just don't. So I just ask you give my story the same courtesy. Found this on and think it is the most brilliant thing about Harmony that anyone who is a fan of that ship could write. By PerfesserN: Reading from the First Book of Harmony, chapter one, verse one through seven. 2. Thou can'st have a pairing of Ginevra and Harry as long at the Ginger doth share. 3. If the abomination exists thou shalt portray Ron in his true form, that of an insufferable gittith. 4. If the abomination exists thou art allowed (pronounced, "allow-ed") to either turn back the clock to atime whither thou can'st prevent the abomination or thou must smite the Ron unto death. 5. Smiting Ginevra doth make Harry sad, and should be avoided, if possible, but only if the Ginger doth share. 6. Surely cliches art allowed to flourish in the land of fan-fiction, for they are the backbone of the writer dissatisfied with canon. 7. Surely lemony goodness shall follow the harmonious pairing for ever and ever. Amen. |