![]() Author has written 73 stories for Castle, NCIS, Highlander, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Defiance. I no longer answer to the title "King of Angst" my preferred title is Dark Lord of the Fic I used to write when I had quite a bit less gray hair on my head. Was even the president of my campus literary guild (Mohawk Valley CC's Quill & Scroll 1994-1996) but hadn't written much since then until I discovered this little show on ABC named Castle. I was first entranced by the episode "Kill Shot" and then decided I had to see all of it so I mainlined castle for a week watching seasons 1-3 back to back on You Tube. Following that, on February 10th, I joined a Castle fan site Shortly after that I was making fan vids (something I swore I would never do) Then shortly after that I was writing Fan Fiction. (something I swore for a LOT longer that I would never do) Before I started watching Castle I though tI would never write again, now here I am writing again. Thank You Andrew W. Marlowe, these may be your characters and your world, but they have inspired me to write again. I am an unashamed Castle/Beckett shipper, and a closet Lanie/Esposito shipper. Other shows I've liked over the years whose characters may show up in my crossovers: Miami Vice I prefer my vampires of the non-sparkly variety as Bram Stoker intended. (Sorry Nerwen, it had to be said) Sadly there will be no more Castle... yet I will continue to write. To the trolls out there in my orbit: If you wanna come at me, go right the hell ahead, I'll simply delete your review, ignore you like the silly, pathetic childish creatures you are and move on. Basically, I'm bored with your attention seeking over-amped, unhelpful vitriol . Nor will I abide a bully. I don't expect reviewers to blow sunshine up my ass, mind you, but I would greatly appreciate it if you pathetic cowardly whiners would grow up, grow a pair and learn the difference between a proper critique and simply being rude because your mother didn't teach you proper manners if you really want to be taken seriously. That is all. |