Author has written 18 stories for Hunger Games. Empty profile. Empty head. Still comin' back for some reason. Delivered to the Dirt Submissions. Close Date: TBC. For the blog, please see: deliveredtothedirt. weebly. com See below the form and some more information if you wish to avoid Google Docs! Whilst this isn't first come, first served, I will be accepting tributes along the way. Please remove all brackets and writings in italics! If submitting through discord, please sign with your FF penname. I have answered any common questions below but if you need more help, just reach out! First Name: Gender/Pronouns (I'm open-minded here but equally, the story idea limits such open expression): Faceclaim (name over link ideally): Current Personality (keep this short and sweet): Strengths (4 mental traits): Childhood Personality (how your tribute was like before they arrived at The Bunker, if it was any different to how they are now etc.): Brief Backstory (keep this short and sweet): How Did They End Up At The Bunker? (your tribute would have arrived at The Bunker between the ages of 11-14; were they sold, abducted, chose to go willingly etc.) Rank Your Tribute’s Survival Rate & Why? (1-24): What is The Bunker? To answer it in a way that doesn’t reveal every plot I have, your tribute has not lived at their home, interacted with their family and friends, or lived a normal life for the past 4 years prior to this story. That’s all you need to know to create your character. Should I write my form as the tribute in present-times, or as the child beforehand? I have split the form into two contexts: present and then past. The past section should be written as loosely as possible to allow me the ability to integrate them into the story. Take your tribute and show me the development between their adolescence and their teenage-self. Why is the last name optional? Your character, whilst belonging to The Bunker, will have a lot of their previous identity minimised as they undergo… things. You can choose to give them a last name if you wish but I cannot promise you it will be used. Why do you want to know my tribute’s survival rate? It’s just for fun and allows me to understand not only your own opinion on your character, but what you realistically expect for them. It does not mean I will honour it—it just gives me more insight. Offense or Defense? Why? It will give me a broader idea on how your tribute will play the Games. Again, it does not mean I will honour it, but it lets me know how your tribute reacts to the idea of surviving vs killing, particularly when it is not with strangers per se. What if I have any other questions? Feel free to message me on , or equally, DM me on discord! I’ll be sure to do the same if I need anything else from you. |
BeccaJoy (3) Burning Stars (5) District11-Olive (30) | Josephm611 (14) mangesboy01 (3) Nrrrd-Grrrl-Meg (6) Remus98 (3) | symphorophilia (21) The Light Holder (3) twistedservice (13) |