Author has written 6 stories for Chuck, Harry Potter, and Misc. Games. Name: Kayle Just so you know, I totally stole this profile from my friend on here! By the way, thanks Thalia! :D If you sometimes say random things when you have no idea whats going on, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever had a mad laughing fit for absolutely no reason, copy and paste this into your profile REASONS TO JOIN THE DARK SIDE (If you wish to join add this list to your profile: 1. We have cookies (last I checked there was hot chocolate too) 2. Meet the recruitment bunny! 3. You get a cool dark cape that covers your whole body! 4. You get a really cool crazy laugh! Practice with me, people: MWA HAHAHAHA *cough cough!* 5. You get to walk out of shadows mysteriously and freak out the good guys! 6. One word: UNDERLINGS! Someone to get things for you when you're too lazy to do them yourself... Now that's the life! 7. Money, Money, Money : Ever notice that we are usually much richer than the good guys? 8. WORLD DOMINATION! THE BEST reason! If you've ever wished you could go into a book and strangle some of the characters for being so incredibly dumb, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever seen a movie (or show) so many times that you can quote it word for word. And you do at random moments; copy and paste this in you're profile. If you've ever gotten annoyed with all of these 'copy and paste this into your profile' sayings, copy and paste this into your profile. If you think it's stupid that girls are associated with the color pink, copy and paste this into your profile. If you spend multiple hours each day reading and/or writing copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever tripped over your own feet, copy and paste this into your profile. If you have ever fallen up the stairs copy this into your profile If you are weird, insane, crazy, odd, not-normal, a freak of nature, psychotic, random or anything similiar, copy this into your profile. If you've ever asked a really stupid, obvious question, copy and paste this one your profile If you love rain, copy and paste this into your profile. If you haven't died yet, copy and paste this onto your profile. 00.) Randomly list twelve of your favorite Harry Potter characters: 01.) Draco Malfoy 02.) Ginny Weasley 03.) Fred Weasley 04.) George Weasley 05.) Luna Lovegood 06.) Hermione Granger 07.) Nymphadora Tonks 08.) Sirius Black 09.) Remus Lupin 10.) Fleur Delacour 11.) Bellatrix Black 12.) Tom Marvolo Riddle 01.) Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fanfic before? 02.) Do you think Four is hot? How hot? 03.) What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? 04.) Do you recall any fics about Nine? Can you recommend any? 05.) Would Two and Six make a good couple? 06.) Five/Nine or Five/Ten? 07.) What would happen if Seven walked in on Two and Twelve having sex? 08.) Make up a summary for a Three/Ten fanfic. A Fred/Fleur story... He'd liked her since the first day he'd seen her at Hogwarts. She'd only tossed her hair and kept on walking, but he'd been mezmerized. He wanted to ask her out, but how could he have known that Bill would get there first? It didn't matter. He'd find some way to get her anyway. 09.) Is there any such thing as a One/Eight fluff fanfic? 10.) Suggest a title for a Seven/Twelve Hurt/Comfort fic. The evil Sorcerer finds solace with the Metamorph. Who would've thought? 11.) What kind of plot would you use if you wanted Four to de-flower One? George had been drinking far, far too much. The New Year's party was always fun, espescially if all the old school friends were there, so he'd decided to go. But, too much drinking leads to horrible things and decisions, as he finds out when he wakes up in the same bed as the one and only - Draco Malfoy. 12.) Does anyone on your friends list read Seven slash? 13.) Does anyone on your friends list read Three het? 14.) Does anyone on your friends list write or draw Eleven? 14.) Would anyone you know write Two/Four/Five? 15.) What might Ten scream at a moment of great passion? 16.) If you wrote a song-fic about Eight, what song would you choose? 17.) If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be? 18.) What might be a good pick-up line for Ten to use on Two? Fleur to Ginny : "Well, I am much more beautful than all the boys you've dated. And you're the only girl who's beauty matches my own." That was more weird than funny, wasn't it? 19.)When was the last time you read a fic about Five? 20.) What is Six's super-secret kink? 21.) Would Eleven shag Nine? Drunk or sober? 22.) If Three and Seven got together, who would top? 23.) "One and Nine are in a happy relationship until Nine suddenly runs off with Four. One, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Eleven and a brief unhappy affair with Twelve, then follows the wise advice of Five and finds true love with Three." What title would you give this fic? Name three people on your friends list who might read it. Name one person who should write it. Draco and Remus are in a happy relationship until Remus suddenly runs off with George. Draoc, broken-hearted, has a hot one-night stand with Bellatrix and a brief unhappy affair with Tom, then follows the wise advice of Luna and finds true love with Fred. Title: The confusing and sexually intense life of Draco Malfoy. Um.. no one on my list... I'm so gunna update this when I have friends. Back To Normal Things... Okay, now to stop stealing from other people! :D So... I'm Kayle. I love Cherry Tomatoes, a fact I always point out when I meet people, and I like the colour Blood Red. I love Draco and Ginny as a couple, and think that people are prejudiced to Slytherins. GO SLYTHIES!! I also really, really wanna get on Pottermore... But, well, it's only sometimes that even crazy dreams come true. - Am on Pottermore now... I will try to not be a prat and only be here so that I get to read fabulous stories, by maybe posting some stuff. Just so you guys know, if anyone actually reads this, I am writing some books. Not that they're any good, but I am writing them. Stories: What Defines A Spy: Will hopefully turn into a Trilogy! Am currently on Chapter 3. Chuck fanfic... sorta Blessings of the Goddes: Will be a House of Night fanfiction. The Beginning of the Dark Lord: Have the first chapter, but want a bit more before I post it. HP fanfic The Spring: A story based on a poem. Finally up. Werewolves and Squids: Just wrote it now, actually. Well, now as in when this was last updated. It's a one-shot. Basically just a story for people who are bored and wanna read a weirdly written story. :D Made by me! The Halloween Story: The first story I ever wrote. Please be kind, it was for a contest and I was a VERY green writer. The Summer Solstice Celebration: I wrote this a long while ago as well. It was also for a contest. I didn't win, but that was just because they thought it was too childish. I think it's lovely. If you can, leave me a review with your thoughts. So, here I'll just write randomn stuff. Like apologize to everyone who's waiting for me to write my stories. I know I promised to write, but I'm awful lazy/busy. After reading some stuff here, I sorta got inspired and pissed at myself, so I will write it by the end of the hols. If I don't... well, I give you guys permission to sue me. (I'm so gunna regret having said that.) Right well, you guys can't sue me, 'cus I've been writing. Got a awesome new story that's hopefully coming soon. Will be my first Draco/Ginny fic. I really hope you'll all like it. Meanwhile, I'm going to work on the rest of my fics as well. Hopefully I'll have some new stuff up soon. Okay, news on that Draco/Ginny fic - It's not really anymore. It's more like this (hopefully) really awesome story I'm working on. I'm meant to start writing it soon. I have a huge background story for it, but, sadly, not all the plot bunnies I'd like. Latest News: I, Anelya, have challenged myself! I'm proud to be a part of the HPFC forum. Links: Airis Piper: http:///28snev7.jpg Taylor Carmichael: http:///dwdjt0.jpg |
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