![]() Author has written 41 stories for Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, Harry Potter, Bible, Sound of Music, NCIS, Once Upon a Time, and Outlander. Hi everyone In the past twoyears or so I have been obsessed with fan fiction. It all started when I seached for stuff about "Dr. Quinn" and found a few pages with fan fition. Until then I didn't knew that such things excisted:-) S But wow was I hooked. I'm finally back on writting fanfiction, after a whole year with a lot of changes in my life. Had no time or energy for this. I'm really sorry for this, I know how frustrating it is to read a story, only to find that it have never been completed. But I promise that this summer I'll finish this story, and I have even found a beta reader who can help me with spelling and grammar:-) PROFILE UPDATE (July 29th 2012): I have been in here for about 9 years... and only written 4 stories (one in Danish that not that many can understand;)... well I do like to read fanfics now and then (still mostly in the Potter universe or Dr. Quinn world;)... but time is sparse since I now have two wonderful girls and a loving husband in my life :D I do have a Dr. Quinn storyline on the drawing board, BUT I don't really know WHEN I ever get to really work on that... It really, REALLY bugs me, because I really like the idea that I got... but when I find the time for it I will try to work more on it... happy reading, and hope you all still enjoy my stories... ;) PROFILE UPDATE (October 10th 2014): 11 years and counting... now 5 new stories since last profile update... and 4 of the new stories are in TSOM fandom... well YES I got hooked about 1 year ago (I think), read pretty much every TSOM fic there is, got inspired to write when I joined a facebook group (we also have a proboard that is filled with goodies about TSOM ;) ) And yes my Dr. Quinn fic is still a work in progress... got it published last summer, then I sorta got bugged in a writers block... joined the TSOM group, and yes my focus turned to that instead... but the story is NOT forgotten, it's a slow work in progress, but I still have the idea... and I want to finish it... And there will be a few more stories in TSOM universe... I love that movie ;) |