Author has written 4 stories for Book X-overs, Harry Potter, and Buffy X-overs. It's me! Sorry for the long delay. There's just so much good stuff to read written by you all out there. Also, I suppose challenges are a big thing now, so I should make one of my own. So here is, the 'Harry Potter watches a movie' challenge. Premise: During a game of Harry Hunting, Harry manages to sneak into a movie theatre. Not having been able to see any movies or shows on television before, the experience would change his life. - Difficult mode: No action/adventure movies. As much fun as it is to see Harry Potter emulating Luke Skywalker or Indiana Jones, it would be an interesting challenge to see him as a Ferris Beuller con-man, greedy stockbroker from Wall Street, or even a hilarious necromancer ala 'Weekend at Bernie's.' - Very Difficult mode: The above plus the movie should be something that actually came out during the time when it would affect Harry. When he was between the ages of 6 and 11. So 1986 to the summer of 1991. - Challenging mode: Both the above plus that Harry was spotted by an usher and tossed out of the theater before the movie ended. So he has no idea if Sarah Connor ever escaped the Terminators or if Tetsuo ever found Akira. Just let me know if you write a story based on above so I can read it. And thank you all for the great reviews. |
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