Author has written 13 stories for Hunger Games, Hush, Hush, Teen Wolf, American Horror Story, Vampire Knight, and Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人. Hi, we are doing yet another reboot and UPDATE of my complete life story. It all started when I was born... Just kidding I would never do that. That’s a whole lot of shit that none of us have time for. But LORD have I grown up a bit. I’m done with school. Yeah, like actually done with it. Graduated with my BA in Dance and I FEEL AMAZING. Of course, I don’t quite have a job in that field, BUT I’m working in a wedding dress boutique, and I love my job. Ya girl is not single. I’ve got an amazing boy who supports me in all my damn craziness. I feel bad for him 90% of the time, but the other 10% I’m supporting him in his craziness too, so we work on that level. He’s great though really. Let’s see... what else? I’m still into my supernatural and crying at the fact that the final season is coming up. Another show I LOVE is Claws - watch it, you won’t regret it. Those are really the only shows I’ve been keeping up with recently because having a full time job is a lot. I still need to catch up on some of my animes but other than that I’m fresh out. I started yet another novel series and guess what? Stuck again. Finished the first book and am editing it and I HATE editing. But it is fine. I’m going to finish. Anyways that is really all I’ve got. Welcome to my brain! |
fluffykitty12 (24) | WolfAtSea (14) |