Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Hi, I'm Grey, and my two favourite fandoms are Harry Potter and Star Wars. Mostly Star Wars right now. I spent time lurking around before creating my account and posting some of my work, which I would really appreciate some feedback on. They're quite dark. Harry Potter Detach explores Sirius' overall life over a month or so in the first war from his perspective, and how he was viewed by other members of the wizarding world given the stigma his family carried. Basically canon. Oneshot. Valid Reasons is a "what if" that wouldn't go away, that developed into what it is. Just read it. Oneshot. The Two Greatest Mistakes Of Albus Dumbledore is an old file that I found lurking on my computer and wanted to share despite its shortness. It stems from my musings on how one Hogwarts student per generation seems to at least attempt to murder someone at the age of sixteen, and how that might look through Headmaster Dumbledore's eyes. Basically canon. Drabble. Star Wars Unwilling to Bleed is my first multi-chapter work. Not meant to be taken entirely seriously in regards to the premise, and starring; Darth Vader the vampire, Obi-Wan Kenobi the captured rebel, and Emperor Sidious. Now complete. Waiting For A Chance That Never Comes is my fifth story. It's another oneshot, stemming from musing on how Yoda, being so old and used to having his every action dictated by the Force, was both very in tune with it and active about following it's will, but was also trusting things would work out because of it even when he was without his foresight, which was when action was really needed - action that he didn't take because he wasn't sure what the Force wanted him to do. The oneshot is about his visions in relation to Obi-Wan Kenobi and events around him, and leads up to the point where he stops being able to see what he should do, and so starts to not do anything about it. Fallen Legends (posted in Star Wars: The Clone Wars)is my sixth story, my current longest, and the first to not have horror or tragedy as a genre. It's based on the idea that Anakin was unable to conveniently find Ventress in the season 5 finale, and thus Ahsoka was convicted and sentenced to death. It's also an experiment with writing method, as I outlined it completely beforehand (in contrast to the post-as-you-write method I used for my other multi-chapter work, where I would post a chapter after a basic read over that caught most of the typos, and before I knew what the chapter after it would contain,) and then wrote the first draft during the April Camp NaNoWriMo. Now complete. The last several attempts at writing the sequel have ended with wiring myself into a variety of corners, so that's on hold. I still hope to get to it at some point, but it likely won't be anytime soon. Holding Together the Pieces is the yet to come sequel to Fallen Legends, dealing with the repercussions of the events, which include a furious military, a confused and mistrustful republic, and Sidious moving some plans up. Also, a few accusations of murder, treason and other things like that. Edit: after reaching the fourth first draft, I'm leaving this be for the time being. My appologies to those who were looking forward to it. Personality wise, the "most scientific Harry Potter sorting quiz ever created" http:///tests/ccq_hogwarts.htm sorted me into Ravenclaw, which fit me okay. I then created a Pottermore account. It told me I was a Slytherin, which came as a slight surprise, but on reflection, is utterly perfect. Make of that what you will. As for what I tend to read: I like character based stories the most, especially ones that put their characters in interesting (and often difficult) situations that stretch their limits, force them to make hard choices and explore different facets of their personalities. 3rd of April, 2013 - I've been without internet for a week, and am now participating in the April Camp NaNoWriMo. If I've completely disappeared, that's why. 9th of May, 2013 - First chapter of my new story is up. 18th of August 2013 - Fallen Legends is now complete! And school’s started again, so my time for fanfiction is, unfortunately, going to be a bit limited for a while. 2019 - Since the subject's come up recently; I have no objections to anyone writing their own take on a story premise I've written. Same for anyone who wants to create their own vision of a sequel to my stuff. (The infinite variations and possibilities are one of the best things about fanfic, imo.) If it's a sequel/particularly close variation, I'd appreciate my stuff being referenced as inspiration, but that's all. Have at it! :D |