![]() Author has written 2 stories for Tales of Symphonia, and Tales of the Abyss. Hey, welcome to my page! I've had a lot of crazy stuff happen in my career lately - so I know it's been a long time since I've updated my works! But I will NEVER abandon them, so don't worry! Sorry I don't update as often as we'd both like, though. I'm a counselor trying to get my full licensure now that I've graduated, so life can get quite busy. But stories are my passion, so I just can't seem to stay away. Here's the stuff I like: Tales of the Abyss. My favorite game, don't even get me started on it unless you want to sit here for five hours. Luke is my favorite fictional character, and I love him way too much. Guy is most definitely amazing, Natalia is the coolest princess ever, Jade is the most badass guy you could ever meet. I liked Tear for how good she was to the others, especially Luke, but she didn't really speak to me. Anise is adorable but I can't understand her choice. Of course, Ion is a precious angel who deserves the world on a silver platter. I'm am obsessed with this game, especially anything Luke. He is my all-time favorite fictional character. I could go on FOREVER about this masterpiece. I even got some earrings for Christmas specifically because they reminded me of him! Tales of Vesperia: I'm halfway through this one because I borrowed my brother's xbox to play it, but got caught up in school. Love it so far, especially Yuri, Estelle, Raven, and Karol. Judy is arlight, but Rita is unbearable for 2/3 of the whole game. I recently finished it, and I really like it! It could have been a bit better in some areas, but it has a lot of good moments. And I love Raven's character, he's very interesting. Tales of Symphonia: It's been over 10 years, and I'm finally playing again. I had some trouble with something called Scrupulosity, which is a religious/moral manifestation of OCD. It kept me away from this game for a long time, because I am (and was, at the time) a very devout Catholic. But now I can enjoy the game for what it is, and I still love it very much as I did when I was 12, if not more now. I love Lloyd, of course, and after that, Kratos, Colette, and Zelos and -gasp- even Mithos. Though for the latter, it's more for what he could have been, rather than what he is. I can't even begin to describe exactly how much I like this game, and why. I'm sort of obsessed with it. Zelda Series. Link is a bit of a childhood hero to me, I guess. I think he's so cute with Zelda, especially in Skyward Sword! I think I'd like to be kind of like Zelda - very poised, and kind-hearted. She was totally badass in Wind Waker as Tetra. On the subject of couples, I do also like the idea of Zelda/Vaati. Also, DarkLink/Malon is an idea I've been throwing around with my sister for a while. Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross: Ironically I've never beaten either. But I've played them since I was little. Sergei/Kidd is one of my otps. Final Fantasy: I own V, VI, VII, and VIII but have yet to finish them all. Huh that seems like a pattern. I'd love to get IX. My favorite so far is VIII, and as I get older, I like Squall/Rinoa more. And Laguna is just great, he's such a doofus. I grew up playing Kingdom Hearts - though I've missed out on quite a few recent ones! Still, I find myself getting sucked into it again. It's certainly gotten complex and confusing, but it'll always have a special place in my heart! (Get it? Heart? HAH.) I really like Riku, Sora, Vanitas, and Roxas (he's so sassy!) to name a few. Various Animes. Right now I'm on My Hero Academia (which is my absolute favorite! I don't say this stuff often, but Izuku is a true cinnamon roll.) Also Sailor Moon Crystal, and for a while back, Yona of the Dawn. I did watch Noragami, and I wish there had been more of the anime, can't get the manga right now. Gekkan Shoujou Nozaki-kun is really cute too, I can't wait for the next season. My sister introduced me to a manga called Takane to Hana, which I currently have 1-13, and 15. For some reason, the bookstore never has volume 14 and it is KILLING ME. I've been there like six times and they never have it! I have a couple of Animal Crossing games, though I haven't been able to play New Horizons in a while. The updates are great, though! I wish they had more furniture, like in the older titles. I've been playing Harvest Moon, now Story of Seasons, since I was little. I got Rune Factory 4, and I've almost beaten it. I married Vishnal, and am working on Leon. I also got ANB a while back, but it was too hard for me to enjoy having to basically build every damn thing in the town. Trio of Towns is alright, but doesn't capture me, somehow. I really wish they would stop using the bulbous character models I've been seeing the last few years, it just feels too cartoonish. Marvel Cinematic Universe! I freaking love Marvel! Somehow I've become really obsessed with Loki, or really, the possibility of a Loki Redemption Arc. He's undoubtedly done a lot of horrible things, but I think the good is still somewhere in him. I'd love to see him really turn around and become a great hero. I really want him to be happy. I just love him. Also loving this new IronDad thing for Tony and Peter. Infinity War absolutely broke my heart, and I kind of broke up with Marvel because I'm still salty about it even though I still love it lol. Maybe one day I'll be brave enough to watch Endgame, hahaha. My Hero Academia! I love Izuku so much, he's adorable! And Katsuki, too! I especially can't wait to see their relationship change and develop into something really heart-warming! Also Dadmight gives me life. #LetToshinoriAdoptMidoriya2k19. Also I think Katsuki's hero name should be "Baku-Go-Boom." Natsume Yuujin-chou! I absolutely love Natsume, he's so sweet. You don't see a lot of anime protagonists like him, quiet and introspective. Each episode has an engaging story and always gives me feels lol. I also love how some of the side characters are getting developed (haven't finished the show). Still, I feel that there could be more too it. There's not much fanfiction here for it, so who knows? Maybe I'd write something. For the first few episodes, I kind of thought Natori might secretly be like his dad or something lmao. Not sure if anyone else got that vibe, but it seems like he's grown into a big-brother-figure type. Various TV shows, but mostly Psych. I also used to love Monk. I love mystery, suspense, spooky stuff, and all that. Psych makes it funny though! Unsolved Mysteries is also good, especially the new Netflix adaptation, I can't wait for the new episodes! I also like Untold Stories of the ER. I find the medical field so interesting! Can I say I'm also disappointed in Voltron: Legendary Defender? I really was looking forward to Lotor's character development. I think it's BS that Allura died. Anyway, Plance FTW. I don't do slash, or yuri, or yaoi, or whatever they call it now. No porn either. I'm Catholic, ya'll. Here's what I've got in the works right now, this stuff is tentative: Apocalypse: When Lloyd's final strike pierces Mithos's heart, his world goes white and blank. He awakens outside of Iselia, before the journey, with no recollection of who he is, and no Cruxis Crystal. As his memory returns, he comes face-to-face with the most difficult obstacle he has ever faced - himself. Name changed from "World Regeneration" because this title is more fitting. Not only does it have an "end of the world" connotation, but it also has meaning associated with a kind of revelation. I thought it was more fitting. I've also been thinking of writing a Harry/Hermione thing, but that's still in the early stages of planning. If I did write something for them, it wouldn't be any of this Evil Dumbledore, Weasley-bashing, all-powerful-random-inheritance Harry stuff. No, just regular storyline. What if different choices were made, how would Harry and Hermione grow together, and how would that change the story? I might even do a Draco Redemption, too. What to Expect When You're NOT Expecting: Currently writing a Tony & Peter story. I know I haven't updated in a while, but it's not abandoned! Untitled My Hero Academia: All I will say is this, it will include Dadmight, platonic BakuDeku, and some slice-of life elements, along with deep character development. I've also started Resonant Remnant. This one is about Asch's character development after returning from the fall of Eldrant at the end of the game. After stumbling upon Luke's old journal, Asch slowly begins to question his opinion about Luke, while also trying to cope with Luke's death (and everyone else's grieving of him). I'm also working on another super-secret fanfic, but it'll be posted on a joint account that I share with someone else. However, that one is going to be kept hidden away until further notice. I'm co-authoring it, and I'd like to complete it before posting anything about it. All of this is being worked on at a snail's pace, but I hope to finish it someday! I just realized that the hardest part of writing fanfiction is picking a title for the story. |