Author has written 18 stories for X-Men: Evolution, Gundam Wing/AC, D.Gray-Man, Code Geass, Bleach, Card Captor Sakura, Dark is Rising Sequence, Merlin, How to Train Your Dragon, Charmed, Danny Phantom, Naruto, Harry Potter, Hunger Games, Gundam Seed, Beyblade, and Katekyo Hitman Reborn!. Hi Zeionia a.k.a. Disturbed (Zakad) here bearing tidings of good news and great joy! Okay, decent news and some joy. Okay just news. 16 Dec 2019: Hastily throws up a one-shot for a mostly inactive fandom w/o updating anything else. Runs for cover. 19 May 2019: Finally finished a Camp Nano and managed to write a chapter of Soul of Fire. (We're in the end game. Hooray!) Published a One-shot Hunger Games snippet that had been living on my desk top for a while. All My Ghosts are at Rest is silently expanding in an uncomfortably fast way. 24 Jan 2019: I am uploading my fics to Ao3 under the username Zakad. I'm still planning to post things here. I just want the assurance of (another) backup copy. 23 Oct 2018: Updated Soul of Fire with a new chapter. Also, realized I forgot to mention my new HP/KHR xover and my other Bleach/Naruto xover when they came out. Oops. Both are snippets of theoretically longer stories. It's been more than three years since my last update. I promise. When I'm away from my computer, I'm back in school (Master's program this time. *confetti*) so I'm not entirely sure how that will affect my update schedule, but I know it will. 6 Dec 2015: After an unfortunately long break, Soul of Fire has been updated. Hooray! 14 Aug 2014: I've started a new story after all this time, and it's going to be long. I think I might cry. 03 Sept 2011: Argh! My computer got a virus and I can't open any of my word files. Including the fifteen page beast I wrote about Yu Yu Hakusho! Despair! I'm going to have to go cry in a hole for a while. 06 Aug 2011: Life sort of sucked for a while, so I haven't written anything down about Claws. Did post a brief one-shot about Bleach. I am really ready for the shinigami to show up again. Started working on a long Harry Potter fanfic--stupid, stupid why did I do that when I have other things to write?--and hope to get well along before I post up the first chapter. 04 Feb 2011:Updated Claws. After five years, you finally get a good look at what might be happening. Maybe I should keep these steady updates. Got rid of History of the Forbidden One because I wasn't going to finish it and thought it was really, really bad. I edited Free and Chained to make it a one-shot again. I am working on a longer (better?) Bleach story that I won't post until Claws is finished. 30 Jan 2011: Posted another one-shot, Charmed this time. Being a bit too efficient and scaring myself. Oh well. Hope everyone appreciates the semi-regular updates of Claws for the past month. 06 Jan 2011: Whoo! Finally got up another chapter of Claws. I already have the next chapter in the works. But school is starting soon so we'll see how that goes. 29 Dec 2010: Got How to Train Your Dragon for Christmas and decided to celebrate by writing a one-shot. If I could get rid of my writer's block where Claws is concerned things would be better. Information on Complete Stories: Children are a Blessing--Way after the movie is finished Astrid and Hiccup have children. Toothless wants a kid too. This is my take on how Night Furies come to be. Escapade--In the post-war world, the gundam pilots are the perfect scapegoats. But the government can't kill the childrenwho saved the world, so it's maximum security for them. When they do escape, the pilots learn exactly how long they've been gone and how different everything else is. This was supposed to be a multi-chapter story but morphed into a one-shot so the pacing is a little funky at the beginning. Fortunate Encounters--For now Chris is too young, even if his soul isn't, and Bianca is too jaded, even if she doesn't want to be, but Destiny has always favored the Halliwell line. Now they have a chance. Free and Chained--AR. Soul Society hasn't done much to help Ichigo, Ichigo's not to keen on the Vaizard, and Urahara is getting a bit out of his sphere of influence. Who else can help him learn what he needs to be one of the most powerful creatures in the afterlife? Hello there, Ulquiorra. What do you know about Vasto Lorde? Gravid--Katniss is keeping a secret from Peeta. But she doesn't mean she'll hesitate to when it comes to yelling at Haymitch. Of Family Matters--The end of Silver on the Tree left some questions about how exactly Old Ones relate to humans. Will tells his story to his family. They relate. Spoilers for the whole series. Pater et Filius--Allen meets his father on the battlefield. Neither of them are exactly happy about it. Totally born out of the recess of my brain, but it was fun to consider. Immortal, Invincible--Harry is less the Master of Death and more like Death's most annoying repeat customer. Fortunately, now that Harry goes by Skull and is friends with Reborn, one of Death's favorite people, thing are bound to get better. Right? In Sleep, Silence--Ichigo reflects on the destruction of his inner world after sealing away his power. A bleach fanfic! This is a highly introspective piece written in the present tense making it totally different from all of my other pieces so far. *Edited for grammar/content on 01 Mar 2015* Interview with a Ghost Boy--Phantom has a run-in with the Fentons. Will Danny's identity be revealed? Ignores Phantom Planet. A fun time playing around with the Phantom world and what gaining ghost powers did to Danny. Speak--Kallen's kiss leaves Lelouch with more than a memory. The Black Knights learn there are more shades of gray in this world than they knew. Spoilers for R2 Ep. 22 Really, don't you want someone normal to know what's going on with Lelouch? To the Future--AR. Several years have passed in Uther’s court since Merlin first arrived and many things have changed Merlin least among these. When an attempt on Arthur’s life is made in full view of the court, Merlin exposes himself to save the prince. This is a fall-out fic. Season 2 didn’t happen, mostly. (This is NOT slash, btw, even if you read it that way.) What Goes Around--Touya has a little talk with what remains of Clow Reed's soul. Because, really, that set-up was just too perfect. Based on the manga more than the anime and tries to work with the tricky issue of Clow Reed incarnating into two people. Information about Works-in-Progress: All My Ghosts are at Rest--Ichigo and Uryu are older, wiser, and very happy to avoid unwanted government attention by moving to another dimension. Only it turns out Ichigo's only living family is a lonely little boy, who could use a protector or two. (Unfortunately, the government attention is non-optional in a military state, but they'll burn that bridge when they come to it.) Soul of Fire--Ichigo, Karin, and Yuzu are seeking asylum in Konohagakure after death warrants are issued by the Central Chambers. Unfortunately, life in the Hidden Village is about to get way more dangerous when members of the Uzumaki clan come under attack. Ichigo has to learn to be shinobi to protect his family. Is there anyone less suited to being a ninja? Other than Naruto, of course. When Bitbeasts Show Their Claws--When the Blade Breakers develop powers, the only place they can go for help is the Xavier Institute. Kai is more reserved than ever before. And of course, they have to save the world. I like the dynamic between the Blade Breakers and Kai, the Blitzkrieg Boys and Kai, just about anyone and Kai really, but I'm giving the other characters about ten chapters of air time so I won't feel bad when I focus on Kai. There are other works-in-progress. They are partially stealing away my attention from the stories I have already posted. IMPORTANT: All fanfiction is second to original fiction (and school work too, I guess). If I get started on any of my original fiction works, then the fanfiction will be further delayed. May you go in peace. Zakad out. |