Author has written 31 stories for Naruto, Devil May Cry, Digimon, Misc. Anime/Manga, Spider-Man, Pokémon, Prototype, Bleach, Brütal Legend, Soul Eater, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Kingdom Hearts, Avatar: Last Airbender, Kamen Rider, Dead Space, Ben 10, RWBY, Fairy Tail, and Elder Scroll series. I like to think I've gotten a hand on the flow of FF, and while my lacking a schedule for my stories irks many people, I will not change that, since I suck with schedules. I started on this site merely reading, but as I read, stories began forming in my head, and I put them to written (well, typed) word, and with each chapter, each story, I feel I've cultivated my writing ability. I always said I hated English classes because I can't write for dick, but my latest years in college, and the words of many readers, appear to have proved that wrong, dissenters notwithstanding. With my comfort, I want to let you guys know a little bit more about me. Name: Not going to actually put it here but you can call me 'Kento' Age: 21 Personality: Think of a stocky Jacksepticeye (a la Youtube) minus the green hair. Memes and references are what pour out of my mouth more often than not, but damned if I don't love a good laugh. Also have a very light accent, so... that makes me exotic? Likes: Music, drawing, sleeping (like, a LOT) gaming, and now fanfic writing Dislikes: Obnoxious sounds/people/music, people who think they know you after viewing you through a fragment of your life (say, fanfic stories :D or stuff like videos and random comments) Pop singers... yeah. Anime/manga I've watched/read: Naruto, Bleach, One Piece (a little bit, lost interest) One Punch Man, Black Butler, Trigun, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood/Stardust Crusaders, Fairy Tail, The Gamer, Digimon, Pokemon, Hellsing, Gundam 00, RWBY (apparently it's an anime here ._. 'Kay) Soul Eater, Daily Life with a Monster Girl (stop judging me) Lucky Star (I SAID STOP JUDGING ME) Berserk, Highschool DxD, Kill la Kill, DBZ (does mentioning the normal Dragonball series go without saying?) Death Note, Inuyasha, Yu-Gi-Oh (and all denominations up to Zexal), Full Metal Alchemist (haven't seen Brotherhood) Code Geass, Zatch Bell, Gurren Lagann (I'd feel dirty if I didn't mention this) S-Cry-Ed. Favorite live-action TV shows: Doctor Who, KR (Kamen Rider) OOO, KR Ghost, KR Wizard, Fluffy Breaks Even (If you've never heard of Gabriel Iglesias, Youtube him ._. Do it now or you do not know comedy) Favorite games: Skyrim, Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition (IF IT STOPPED CRASHING ON ME) The Darkness 2, The Darkness 1, and Undertale (used to be my absolutely fave, but that was tempered with an outside perspective and, ultimately, common sense from a players perspective not blinded by what it does and seeing what it DOESN'T) Prototype 2, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Saints Row The Third, Prison Architect of all things (it's just fun *shrugs*) Bioshock 1, 2, Infinite, Asura's Wrath (though I admit it's 90% QTE) Mass Effect series, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Favorite movies: Dark Knight/Dark Knight Rises, Transformers 1-4 (hey, I LIKE them and don't take them seriously, unlike some people) Deadpool (All the dinosaurs feared Mr. T. Rex...) Justice League: Flashpoint Paradox, Dark Knight Returns Favorite bands/singers: Ozzy Osbourne, Skillet, Disturbed, Slipknot, Five Finger Death Punch, Static X, Linkin Park, Evanescence (can't people just like certain music groups without being pegged shit like emo or 'trying to be deep'? What if you just like the music?) Two Steps From Hell Final words: This simply list probably doesn't exactly tell you about who I am as a person, but I feel it gives you a good enough approximation, based on the things I like. The last thing I want you to know is that, no matter what people say, what it seems like is happening due to inactivity, words you hear from others, or whatever, I enjoy writing here, and I plan to continue writing here. It is my own mistake of beginning so many stories and leaving them for others, but I plan to finish them all, because many of you want me to, and I myself wish to see them finished. Challenges: Seven Deadly Sins Jinchuriki: Befriending the Kyuubi at a young age, Naruto, currently running from the latest mob, follows his only friends advice that leads him to... the Forest of Death. Losing his chasers, Naruto continues to follow Kurama's words and happens upon a portal... to Hell. Fumbling in like the klutzy child he is, Naruto comes face-to-face with the Seven Princes of Hell, each an embodiment of the Seven Deadly Sins. At the Kyuubi's insistence and their surprising agreement, Naruto absorbs them and returns to Konoha, half human, half devil. For further aid, I have a chapter of this challenge published to work as a base; of course, you can change whatever you want. No restrictions on pairings. NarutoxDead Space: On the night of failing his Graduation Exam, after learning the Kage Bunshin, Naruto finds a mysterious seal and opens it, mistakenly unsealing a creature that injects him with the genetic code of monsters from beyond the stars. Dying, and immediately "waking up", Naruto faces a traitorous Mizuki and slaughters him as his new "DNA" acts up. Not quite dead, but not completely alive, Naruto is a paradoxical "Living Necromorph" and must cope with his new abilities. For further aid, I have a chapter of this challenge published to work as a base; of course, you can change whatever you want. No restrictions on pairings. NarutoxBatman: Arkham series: As the Child of Prophecy, Naruto finds a way to release the bijuu without killing himself or Kirabi, the only remaining jinchuriki during the Fourth Shinobi World War, and destroys the Gedou Mazou. Infuriated at having their plans foiled by the child who refused to die, a Black Zetsu-possessed Obito and Madara both activate Kamui on the blonde, overloading the technique with chakra and, instead of just canceling each other out, rip Naruto from this dimension plane. Dropped right in the middle of Arkham Asylum (a la Arkham City) Naruto is forced to cope with this new world, finding a friend in the unlikeliest of people: Selina Kyle. For further aid, I have a chapter of this challenge published to work as a base; of course, you can change whatever you want. No restrictions on pairings. (Kekkei Genkai not required; don't know what I was thinking about such a convenient ability) |