Author has written 1 story for Lord of the Rings. A bio you say? Then a (modified) bio you’ll get. Just another law student stretching her creative writing muscles – oh, and some fanfic on the side. No Mary Sues (unless anyone wants to read about a stressed student falling into Middle Earth who then analyzes the property rights of elves, men, dwarfs and Sauron….and she falls in love with Gandalf on the way - No puny elves or rangers for me, thankyouverymuch, I go for the Maiar).I love to read – besides Tolkien and some of the fantastic fic here by Thundera Tiger, Ithilien, M.N. Theis, Littlefish and many many others, I also love these authors and books - John Irving, Milan Kundera (The Unbearable Lightness of Being is probably my favorite book), 100 Years of Solitude, anything history (The Guns of August by Barbara Tuchman is excellent), Crime and Punishment, Franny and Zooey and The Catcher in the Rye, Anna Karenin, and the Harry Potters. I am rather new to this and though I’ve read The Hobbit, LoTR, and The Silmarillion and make use of all the Tolkien info pages, I still probably make many mistakes and I appreciate any comments or corrections. The goal is to NOT have Tolkien roll over in his grave. My subject of choice is Mirkwood and not because of any particular (though wonderful and yes, yes pretty to look at) elves, but because of the way it and the wood elves were portrayed in The Hobbit, and because of their own personal struggle against Sauron. Thus, my story focuses on that and if I write any more, they’ll probably be Mirkwood-centric also. So read on if you like and I hope you enjoy! Reviews are very welcome. Oh my God, I'm losing my perspicacity! |