Author has written 8 stories for Ranma, Naruto, and Fallout. Fanfiction Thoughts and reflections: Harems - Now, this is not to say I hate or even dislike harems, nor do I ignore any harem stories I come across based on that alone, but I will never write one myself. Now, I have read a few stories that manage to write an engaging tale with multiple love interests. However, more often than not, it either comes off as forced, childish or just plain unnecessary. Generally in fanfiction, romance takes either one of two spots in a story, a main role where a tale is written around the interaction between two or more characters (and/or potential love interests) Or it is a side-feature, that could be removed without significant impact to the story itself. In the case of the former, I find a story based around a harem would be, while maybe entertaining to read, rather hollow in the end, similar to the feeling of 'lack of resolution' you get at the end of such Ecchi Anime series. In other cases it just comes of as childish, self-insertion, wish fulfillment with little depth given to the characters or interactions beyond the initial reason for their interest in one another. Another reason I tend to avoid them is the fact that they all seem to believe relationships just end at sex; not literally of course but beyond that initial night of passion the relationship immediately stagnates (usually preceding the introduction of the next beau to continue the cycle). I find the case of the latter to irk me far more though, when relationships are just incidental and a harem is practically given to the protagonist. In this case even less depth and thought is given to the relationships so they come off as completely two-dimensional. The worst example of this is when authors actually ask their readers who they want to be in the harem... which is ridiculous. It literally shows they have put no thought into the romance aspect of the story whatsoever and whatever characters end up being used are as interchangeable as they are irrelevant to the story. Now of course, when done right, a harem can actually be an incredibly entertaining thing to read but like Echhi anime have learned, that cannot continue for long if the protagonist actually begins to put thought into the relationships. Generally, as shallow as it sounds, they simply have to grow up and choose one. But then, if handled right, the consequences of that choice can be just as, if not more interesting than the initial conflict. (And there should be some damn conflict if women or men are vying for one person's affections) It's unlikely you'll see any harems from me, ever. Pairings - Similar to harems I suppose but it would be hypocritical of me to say they can't be make or break when I'm looking for a story to read (the sheer volume of Hinata/Naruto fiction out there for example is just staggering and I have no interest in sifting through that mess for any gems there might be) However generally I find the pairings I most look for are also the ones I find the most interest in writing... the rare ones, the ones that don't get represented as well as the 'main' pairings. It's usually because we have seen so little of them in canon besides a few key personality or aesthetic traits. And therein lies the appeal... potential! With a character that is essentially an OC in all but name, there is literally no limit to what you can do with them. The best part is that they are already part of the universe, so that aspect of the story simply writes itself in trying to get the two characters together (although there you might get into contrivance territory which is dangerous footing). So in essence I'm basically saying you'll never see a NaruHina or NaruSaku pairing from me (or Kami forbid NaruSasu... *shudder*) AU - For me this is a very hit and miss way of writing... on one hand I do enjoy simply making a slight change to an event in canon then seeing where it leads, but on the other hand changing something fundamental about the world itself is an exciting, if not a little daunting concept. Of course it can always go badly, especially when that alternate universe becomes a little too alternate. I mean, I understand changing a few aspects you maybe didn't like, or a few you thought could have been handled better, but changing it to the point it is no longer recognizable as the original medium's universe? Come on. *cough*Highschool fics*Cough* OOC - Again, can be done well, can be done badly; generally it depends on how well you show the character changing out of their canonical attitude and into the one you wish them to have, in which case it isn't actually out of character... but I digress. It's when a fic starts off and the protagonist is completely different to his canonical counterpart with zero explanation for how this came about (usually solved by slapping an AU tag down, but some don't even give that courtesy) then immediately I'm asking questions instead of simply enjoying the story. Interest building? Maybe, but when those questions are then not sated by a reasonable answer it immediately drags down any good points the fic might have made. Crossovers - I read them, and enjoy them... probably won't write them. Guest reviews - Don't get me wrong here; I am not discouraging the casual reader from reviewing a story they like without them creating a fanfiction account (even if it is a quick and free process) but when I get an anonymous guest review that actually asks a question... as if expecting me to reply; then what do you expect me to do? I try on principle to answer every question I get through reviews, as long as they do not contain spoilers, through the PM function. But also on principle I do not enjoy needless padding of the word count, which is my my A/N's are few and far between. This means I do not answer guest reviews in the body of the story itself, even if I want to answer your question. In short; if you actually ask me a question in a review, I'm going to assume you don't actually want a reply if you haven't signed in. Requests - Right now I don't really accept request to write stories, more out of busyness and a lack of time (barely enough to write the ones I've started) But I'll always lend an ear to people asking for advice, or offering it.My Fanfiction images (remove spaces on links): Sage - A lovely fan-art of Fuu done by Manillalu - https : // www . deviantart . com/art/Fuu-452020992 Plucking strings - Dami (Early) - https : // www . deviantart . com/art/Dami-463968170 Ramia - https : // www . deviantart . com/art/Ramia-463968668 Hane (Under construction) - https : // www . deviantart . com/art/Hane-under-construction-465408810 Hane (Complete) - https : // www . deviantart . com/art/Hane-473664980 Arakune - https : // www . deviantart . com/art/Arakune-463968997 Kane (Kin) - https : // www . deviantart . com/art/Kane-Kin-488799561 Asura - https : // www . deviantart . com/art/Asura-463969257 Inari - https : // www . deviantart . com/art/Inari-711346339 Kasai - https : // www . deviantart . com/art/Kasai-464941934 Small Changes - Ami (Post Anko influence) - https : // www . deviantart . com/art/Ami-473137700 All time favourite Fanfiction stories (completion not a necessity as long as they are ongoing): The Prodigal Namikaze - A very unique take on an older AU Naruto where his parents lived and he is the older sibling to the Kyuubi Jinchuuriki(s), very good story with believable twists and turns. (Ongoing) NarutoxKurotsuchi |
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