![]() Author has written 19 stories for Harry Potter, Teen Titans, Worm, Dresden Files, and Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. Welcome, one and all! Let's see… I have been reading fanfiction since autumn of 2008, though I only got an actual account in 2012; I was just reading too many stories to easily keep track of, and my muse was insistent that I post some things of my own. Listening to her on that point was probably one of my better decisions, all told; writing was one of the few things that helped me keep my sanity through medical school, and while whether or not I'm any good it is something you'll have to decide for yourselves, I definitely enjoy it. Since I'm busy with my internal medicine residency, I can't put a new chapter out every Wednesday night like I managed in med school, but I am nowhere out of stories to tell. Most of my works can get a bit dark, and I have a – bad? – habit of analyzing literary details to a level many people would probably say is borderline obsessive. I'm also always up for answering questions or giving feedback, so if you're confused about something I wrote or want to bounce ideas off of someone, feel free to click the PM button up top. You can also find me watching (silently!) on SpaceBattles and Sufficient Velocity, both under the same name and avatar. If you're a fan of Worm and Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, check out the quest I'm running over on SV. Silently Watches out. Yay! I have fan art! If any other of you artistic types want to make something for my stories, I'll be more than willing to link to it. Anna-chan17 rin-an Metallix666 Beyond the stories already in progress, I have a veritable plague of plot bunnies running around in my noggin. Here are the ones grown enough to even preview. Team Hellhound RWBY caught my eye in 2013 for its oddball humor and dark undertones, and it has a world ripe for exploration. If you haven't seen it yet, 1) shame on you and 2) go watch it immediately. It'll only take a few hours to get caught up since each season is only the length of a decent movie, and trust me, that is time well spent. And just so you know, this story would become a little AU as a matter of necessity since I have no clue where the creators are headed with the plot. The Boy Who Lived… Again You can thank Honest Lunar Raven for giving me this idea. There aren't many dead!Harry stories floating around, and I don't think I've ever seen one where he is a proper zombie. I haven't yet decided if it's going to be humor or horror, though I suppose there's nothing keeping it from alternating between the two. Inner Demons I've been wanting to break into the Worm fandom at some point, but this story… Yikes. I'm willing to do it, as it would be extremely interesting, but this would be without a doubt the darkest story I have ever and likely would ever write. It would also be more of a novella than the full-blown novels I've been putting out recently. Knights of the Glass Tower This story is the one I wrote Ye Olde Titans as a teaser for, and obviously there will be much more world-building than I was able to cram into only 3,000 words. I have to admit, I’m not entirely sure where this story is going plot-wise, but nonetheless it looks to be one hell of a ride. If this is selected, Ye Olde Titans would get deleted a couple of weeks later. Semper Fi So back when I was writing the middle part of Black Princess Ascendant, some of the parts I cut out filtered through my notes to the Belkan Wizard section and apparently had a baby. I love sci-fi stories, but there is a definite dearth of HP stories in that genre, and most of them are full futuristic AUs rather than modern magitech tales. This would be the latter. No bashing, but since some characters would have been raised thinking of some others as enemies, that line could get a little blurry at some points. Belkan Wizard …I don't really have an explanation for this one, honestly, other than my muse whacked me over the head until I agreed to include it. Takes place in the 1995-96 school year, so you know it would get dark. For those who paid attention, I've taken both Naruto stories off the table for the foreseeable future. After the last… what, five years of utter horse shit Kishimoto fed everyone and ending with possibly the worst conclusion arc I've read since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, I have no inspiration to write anything in that fandom. Maybe that will change in the future, but for now, neither I nor my muse can bring ourselves to dip into that pool. I've had many people asking who some of the minor characters I sprinkle about my stories are, so here is the roster for Hogwarts Class of 1998 that I will be using in all my HP works. Hufflepuff Ravenclaw Gryffindor Slytherin |