Author has written 70 stories for Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Stargate: Atlantis, M*A*S*H, Supernatural, Stargate: SG-1, Jurassic Park, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Eureka, X-Men: The Movie, Lost, Pirates of the Caribbean, James Bond, Psych, Firefly, Princess Bride, Doctor Who, Bones, Charlie Bartlett, Big Bang Theory, and Chuck. X So I like to write (obviously). Constructive criticism is always appreciated. I have a couple of fics on here that are honestly not very good, but one I have to finish on pain of death, and the others I'm planning on rewriting at...some point? the future. Flamers make me sad. I'd like to be awesome like some people and point and cackle at flames, but really--if there is a pairing or concept of the story that is mentioned in the summary, and then you click on it, and get furious because I'm not a Sheyla shipper or I like Martha/Doctor or heaven forbid there's slash and you flame me? That's just really really not cool. Having said that, given my tendency to explore any sort of shipping with ardent curiosity, if you don't like the pairing, plot line, etc., why don't you simply PM me with a request? Ten-to-one I'll quite happily take it on. X AND HOTNESS: Jensen Ackles (his grin, his eyes, his ability to make me weak at the knees...) X Jeff Goldblum's speech patterns. X Justin Long's absolute adorableness in Die Hard 4. X Harrison Ford's improv: "I know." X Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday in Tombstone. X Jack O’Neill “I care about her…a lot more than I’m supposed to.” X RDA period. X John’s look at Liz in the Eye. X Dean Winchester crying... X the Notion of Chase pushing House up against the wall and kissing him X the Huddy makeout session in Season 5 X anytime Kate and Sawyer made out X Kate Beckett from Castle in That Dress X Myka from Warehouse 13 X Jack & Angela kiss after first gravedigger ep X Booth (w/ broken ribs) rescuing Bones in S1 X the Spuffy kiss after the musical ep X RDJ period X Tony Stark's smile... X Kate & Matt bathroom scene in How to Lose a Guy... X Mathew on boat in Sahara X John/Liz kiss in The Long Goodbye X any of the Jack/Sam kisses X the knowledge that Booth and Bones are meant to be X tbc... X “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should.” ~~Jeff Goldblum (Jurassic Park – Ian Malcolm) X Balian of Ibelin: What is Jerusalem worth? ~~(Kingdom of Heaven) X The fact that you're not answering leads me to believe you're either (a) not at home, (b) home but don't want to talk to me, or (c) home, desperately want to talk to me, but trapped under something heavy. If it's either (a) or (c), please call me back." ~~Billy Crystal (When Harry Met Sally - Harry Burns) A Note on My Fics: I write about a TV show/book/movie that peaks my interest. If there's something you want me to try to write, let me know, although I can't always promise to get on it right away. I've got a bit of a backlist of one-shots that I'm attempting to get through, so we'll see how that goes. Pairings: My OTPs are shweir (SGA), Huddy (House), and Bones/Booth (Bones). However, I'll pair together anyone if I think I can make it work. =) Again, if there's a pairing you want to see happen, and it's in something I'm familiar with, let me know. I am terrible with updating. I'm really, really, really sorry about this. I always say I'll never wait so long again...and then I do. =/ Translation: Trust my one-shots, and my completed chapter fics. Big Bang Theory -- Sheldon/Penny just hit me like a pick-up truck out of nowhere and now I’m hooked Bones -- Jack/Angela (one of the cutest couples ever. No, really. Ever) Booth/Bones (Duh). Really kinda want to read some Booth/Hodgins but can’t really find any. Zach/Cam makes me smile. BtVS -- Buffy/Spike (BECAUSE). Willow/Tara (even though I bloody well love Oz). Spike/Xander (can sometimes be good, but too often I don’t end up liking it). Giles/Jenny (awwww) and I’ve always had a soft spot for Tara/Spike. Giles/Spike can just be fun. Die Hard -- Matt/Lucy because they’re so gosh-darned adorable! Matt/John can be cute as long as it doesn’t touch on “daddy-syndrome” which kinda squicks me out. John/Holly is such an awwwww Doctor Who -- Martha/Ten (heresy, I know!). Donna/Jack (They’re made to be, even if they barely met in the show lol). Jack/Martha (definitely appeals to me). Oooh…why haven’t I ever read some Martha/Donna….(is intrigued) Oh and right around LotTL Martha/Doctor/Jack suddenly started making an unbelievable amount of sense…oh, and Jack/Astrid although it’s so impossible in canon it’s not even funny! Eureka -- Nathan/Jack (It’s totally canon. Look!), Zoe/Lucas (they’re so adorable), Jo/Zane (can you watch w/out saying awww? One of my fave cannons ever) oh and Nathan/Allison is winning me over to the dark side. Firefly -- Mal/Simon (I have no idea why, but this just really appeals when I’m writing). Mal/Inara if you for some reason want to play canon, lol. Simon/Kaylee because Kaylee deserves to be happy Harry Potter -- Harry/Luna (totally my OTP, no idea why). Hermione/Ron because they’re perfect, unless you’re going the Hermione/Draco way, which rocks, although I usually stay Hermione/Ron and go with Draco/Ginny because they just work. Harry/Draco can definitely be appealing. Severus/Sirius totally works in my opinion. Charlie/Tonks should have been canon. House -- House/Cuddy (my OTP). Chase/Cameron (Only time I like Cameron). Chase/House sometimes works but IMHO usually falls short. Foreman/Thirteen finally made Foreman a human being, while Taub/Taub’s wife in canon makes me psychotically happy because I love Taub so much, lol In Plain Sight -- Mary/Marshall. Since day one. Just started in this fandom, so I'm sure I'll find other pairings I like, like Brandi/Peter, but for now? Definitely M/M. Jurassic Park -- Alan/Ellie (absolutely love them). Ian/Sarah (they belong together). Alan/Ian (totally, completely drawn to them whenever I write JP fanfic). LotR -- Aragorn/Arwen (come on, how can you not love it?). Faramir/Eowyn (If you lean more on the books than the movies - as you should). Lost -- Kate/Sawyer is the only possibility unless it’s GOOD Sawyer/Jack or better yet Sawyer/Kate/Jack. MASH -- Hawkeye/Margaret (the only pairing I read/write. Which is kinda weird for me). Monk -- Randy/Natalie (for some reason this just makes me smile), well-written Monk/Natalie can be fairly amazing though. NCIS -- Kate/Gibbs (Sooo sexy) Kate/Tony (sooo perfect) Kate/Tony/Gibbs (grins) Abby/McGee is adorable. PotC -- Jack/Anamaria (the only woman for him). Will/Elizabeth (I just pretend the last two movies didn’t happen). Calypso/Davy Jones (Because the ending could’ve been perfect), Calypso/Norrington (now isn’t that an intriguing idea?) Psych -- Shawn/Julia (it’ll happen someday, be brave), Shawn/Lassie (honestly. That’d be cute). SGA -- Sheppard/Weir (Shweir=Life). Teyla/Ronon (So perfect!). Beckett/Cadman is adorable, but I also like Cadman/Ronon. Sheppard/McKay just works sometimes. Cadman/Lorne ALWAYS makes me smile. SG1 -- Jack/Sam (Duh). Daniel/Janet (Awww) and/or Daniel/Vala (meoooow). Supernatural -- Castiel/Dean is SOMETIMES good. Dean/Bela can be good as well, although usually I read SPN w/out pairings. Veronica Mars --Just started watching this series (finally, I know?) and ohmigod so amazing!! I'm almost done w/ Season 1, and I am so firmly entrenched as a LoVe shipper (or Veronica/Logan) that it's not even funny. P.S. I may kidnap Logan Echolls and keep him for myself, real or not, haha... Warehouse 13 -- So this show is awesome, obviously. I've been wavering on being a hardcore Pete/Myka shipper, though, because they make such amazing, AMAZING friends. So right now I'm pursing Pete/Myka pre-slash with a passion, because I love where they are right now, with those delicious hints of what they might become... XMEN -- Logan/Scott (Complete guilty pleasure) X Current Fics: So Maybe We Know Them Too Well - Will be cont. updated, but I no longer have any clue how long this is going to be... Forgive Me, My Friend - Should be finished soon. Mutiny in the Infirmary - Proverbial monkey on the back. Hope to finish it soon..sigh. X One-shots to Look Out For: Fourth and First - (Doctor Who) Sequel to 'Third and Final' Currently Untitled #1 - (Supernatural) Yeah so this one's eating my soul. Castiel & Dean centric. Because how awesome are they! Currently Untitled #2 - (X-Men) Logan Character Study. Currently Untitled #3 - (SGA) Shweir. Alt. 'The Long Goodbye' X Longer Fics that I'll Start Posting Soon: I Stop Somewhere Waiting for You - (Doctor Who) Alt. ending to LotTL. Martha/Jack/Doctor (Grrrr this is killing me slowly) Everybody's Hero - (Supernatural) Sequel to 'My Brother's Keeper' -- So, 'M' Currently Untitled #4 - (Bones) Booth kidnapped, set S3. X Much love, Wolfie! |
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