20.2.2008 - Just in case anyone actually reads this, I will update 13th Hour eventually.. I really, really want to re-write it, cuz my writing skillz have gotten so much l33t3r since I first wrote this thing. 7.8.2006 - http:///index.cgi -- Join my message board to read 13th Hour chapters before I post em on . Plus, get a sneak peak (a 300 pages long sneak peak - -;; ) of myother novel. I was too lazy to make an actual profile, so I just copy/pasted a couple of forward letters I filled out. 1. What time did you get up this morning? 11am. It's the march break. 2. Diamonds or pearls? 3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? 4. What is your favorite TV show? HouseMD, The Daily Show, Colbert Report, Maury Show, the IT crowd, code monkeys 5. What do you usually have for breakfast? Slim Fast...or some other form of instant breakfast. 6. What is your favorite cuisine? Fast food.../shame 7. What is your middle name? Michele 8. What food do you dislike? Too many to name, I'm so finicky. 9. What is your favorite CD at the moment? I don't own CDs, I download my music. My current obsessions are As I Lay Dying, Beneath the Massacre, Nogu Svelo, Banlieue Rouge, and Tool. 10. What kind of car do you drive? Don't drive. And never will, unless I absolutly have to. I have a driving phobia. T_T 11. Favorite sandwich? Err...my idea of a sandwitch is bread, nutella chocolate spred, bread. 12. What characteristic(s) do you despise? Conformism, homophobia, close-mindedness, chauvinism, and wimpy kiddy baby whiners. 13. Favorite item of clothing? 14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would it be? Lorne. (I'm such a loser.) Second to that is Louisiana, then Ohio (for Cedar Point). 15. What is the color of your bathroom? Milky white upstairs, and pale blue downstairs. 16. What is your favorite brand of clothing? 17. What was your most memorable birthday? They're all pretty forgettable. 18. What is your favorite sport? Sports are geh... 19. What's the furthest place you're going to send this? Your face. 20. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? I dunno. o.O 21. Who do you think will send this back first? I don't know. . 22. When is your birthday? July 30th. 23. Are you a morning person or a night person? I'd be both if I could, but then I would never sleep. 24. What is your shoe size? 9 or 10 in men's, 11.5 in women's. 25. How tall are you? 5"9 26. Pets? My dog Cocaine and my friend Pierre. :D 27. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? 28. What did you want to be when you were little? It went from designing clothes, to coroner, to mortician, to writer. I'm currently doing the first and last. 29. How are you today? Shitty. 30. What is your favorite sweet? Tshakolut. 31. What is your favorite flower? 32. What is a date on the calendar you looking forward to? None right now 33. Are you married? No. I don't wanna get married. Eww. 34. What is your favorite hobby? drawing, writing, DDR, drugs 35. What is your life-quote? can't think of anything awe-inspiring right now.. so I will leave you all with this farting noise. makes farting noise with hands |