Poll: If you could travel to anyone of these anime worlds and live there, which would you pick? Vote Now!
Author has written 8 stories for Naruto, Power Rangers, and Bleach. I Am The One Who Holds The Doors For The Worlds To Pass Their Stories To You...LISTEN TO THEM AND BE INSPIRED BY THE POWER OF LITERATURE... Okay that was totally worth typing to see how I might picture people reacting!LOL Anyway...I am going to here for as long as I am welcome and my stories liked and I hope everybody has a great time reading my stories as I did writing them. The stories I will be doing are well and true to the name of the website-FANFICTION-and to honest, if anyone has a problem with people using existing works, admitting to it, giving credit to the originals, and remaking from your own changes, and not saying you just had a completely new idea while your really taking parts of something else...THEN DON'T BE ON THIS WEBSITE!!!!!...Seriously, people you are on a place called fanfiction, with fans of multiple works, who probably would want to mess with a story just to see how it would work! You have no room to complain on that end! I am not trying to cause unnesscary friction, just stating the obvious so nobody will try this on me. My favorite anime/manga that I will probably be doing the most fanfiction off of is going to be Naruto, hands down. I just love it just as bad as Naruto himself loves...wait for it...RAMEN! Now if that doesn't give a few fans sweatdrops or cause facepalming, nothing will. My overall list of favorites is:
These are just some of my personal favorites and I would reccommend all of them to read/watch in a heartbeat. Personally if you like anime/manga and don't like at least half of these, YOU ARE NOT A TRUE FAN OF THE GLORY THAT IS ANIME/MANGA!!!! Favorite Anime Character Pairing(s): 1. Narusaku(Naruto and Sakura--from Naruto) 2. Ichiruki(Ichigo and Rukia-Bleach) 3. Takumi(Takuya and Zoe[aka Izumi]-Digimon Frontier) 4. Luna(Luffy and Nami-One Piece) 5. Taiora(Tai and Sora-Digimon Season 1) 6. Narfuu(Naruto and Fuu--from Naruto) 7. Ichinel(Ichigo and Nel-Bleach) 8. Nalu(Natsu and Lucy-Fairy Tail) 9. Shikatema(Shikamaru and Temari-Naruto) 10. Gruvia(Gray and Juvia-Fairy Tail) 11. Daikari(Davis and Kari-Digimon Season 2) 12. Taijun(Tai and Jun-Digimon Season 2) Now for some personal info: Name: Need to know only Age: Old enough to write this and enjoy all of its "perks"-insert image of winking Jiriaya head here Location: USA-you only gettin a country off me ;) Hobbies: Reading/Writing/Messing with my Brother/Gaming/Making EVERYONE underestimate me and watch it blow up in their face-IT IS SO WORTH IT! Goal: Leaving a legacy I can be proud of that benefits people in anyway possible-That's how I roll Favorite Bands: AC/DC, Disturbed, Evanescence, Breaking Benjamin, Three Days Grace, Thousand Foot Krutch, 3 Doors Down, Dead by April, Avenged Sevenfold, 30 Seconds to Mars, Hollywood Undead, In This Moment, and Bullet for My Valentine-Bands not in order Well to kick things up a gear, I will quote some of the greatest phrases from cartoons/anime/manga and from anywhere else I can think of. "May the Power protect you"-Power Rangers "BELIEVE IT!!"-Naruto Uzumaki on Naruto "That's All Folks!"-Looney Toones "Requesta Tempache"-Assassin's Creed Video Games--When you beat an important figure in the story-Sorry if misspelled. "I am the man who will surpass GOD!"-Black Star on Soul Eater "I am Batman"-Batman in general, enough said "I'm the best there is at what I do, but what I do best isn't very nice."-Wolverine from the X-Men "I'll be back."-Terminator "Noobs"-Every single gamer in the world, myself included, who gets annoyed with idiots online-again, deal with it, if you play, you know it's a fact "Life is complicated. Death is gloomy. I wonder how Limbo is?"-me "A wise man can learn more from a foolish question then a fool can from a wise answer."-Bruce Lee "Those that break the rules are scum, but those that abandon their comrades are worse than scum."-Kakahi Hatake on Naruto "Sanity? Sorry, but I don't remember having such a useless thing in the first place."-Kenpachi Zaraki on Bleach "Sorry I'm late. I got lost on the road of life."-Kakashi Hatake on Naruto "Damn it, there's so many idiots who's asses I have to kick! I'll have to start carrying a list just to keep track of them all!"-Edward Elric on Fullmetal Alchemist "I'm okay, cool guys are use to seeing naked girls all the time."-Soul on Soul Eater "If you don't have the courage to change things then you might as well just die!"-Natsu Dragneel on Fairy Tail "If that monster is your Darkness, then I have a reason to fight it, no?"-Ul on Fairy Tail "Having a Heart is great, but what good is it if you close it off?"-me, again, yeah "I Rise, you Fall."-Optimus Prime from the movie Transfomers: Revenge of the Fallen "Sometimes to heal, you have to hurt first."-me "Fairy Tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten" -G.K. Chesterton "The tiniest spark can illuminate the darkest room" -Leonard Astor, from the book 'Peter and the Star Catchers' "Evil beware. We have waffles-Raven from Teen Titans "With great power, comes great responsibility."-Uncle Ben from Spiderman "Anywhere, nowhere, in any time in any place, that is what I do, for that is what I am. I go as I please and come when you wish it so and wish I didn't. I guess you can say I live to make it fun, even if all is undone. Oh, who am I, that's simple, see I am the Cheshire Cat, and welcome to the Madness dearest Alice."-me being the Cat: friend called me the Human Embodiment of him so I figured I'd pay homage here The Creed of the Assassins Stay your blade from innocents See but be unseen Never compromise the Assassins Nothing is true, everything is permitted. Honorary Member of The Book of Log. If you worship the holyness that is the log, copy and paste this section onto your profile Position: Log Worshipper. Possible Book of Log Positions: Log Worshiper: Beginning position. No requirements Log Priest: You have created at least 1 Naruto related fanfic that frequently (every 2-4 chapters) praises the almighty log and actually fits into the story Log Pope (there can be more than 1 pope... its safer that way): you have created 3 naruto related fanfics that frequently praise the almighty log OR the Fanfic that already occasionally praises the log has at least 400 reviews OR you create a (decently made) Naruto fanfic focused on praising the log... log forbid. Excerpt of the log number 124: when using the log to escape a fire jutsu, it is konoha custom to write an apology letter to the log, and depending on rank of jutsu escaped from depicts how many words are needed. c-rank, two thousand, B-rank, one thousand five hundred, a-rank, one thousand. only S-rank and higher or excused from the writing of the letter. even then, it is still recommended. Log excerpt number 231: if konoha shinobi celebrate the holiday of Christmas, then it is required that they put gifts under the Christmas log. Use of a full tree is an insult to the log and if found out that shinobi is ineligible from using the log for a period of two months. Log excerpt number 437: Use of the log in a situation that clearly could be avoided using a variety of other methods or techniques is looked down upon. In order to repent for such actions, the following steps should be taken: For every dent caused by your replacement you shall plant one sapling. For every stab wound caused by your replacement you shall plant five saplings. For every hole in the log caused by your replacement you shall plant ten saplings. For every detached piece of the log caused by your replacement you shall plant one sapling per square inch of detached log. For a destroyed and unusable log caused by your replacement you shall plant twenty-five saplings. If your log is defective you may call 1-800-BAD-LOGS to file a complaint. If your case is proven correctly your next replacement will be half off. 'and the willow sayeth unto the ninja: wherefore dost i weep? 'tis tears of joy, as thy kin and mine together fell thine foes, who would bring the axe and torch to the wood. the log ist thine ally, and mine kin. calling upon the log, is to call upon me. to aid thee in battle, i weep my tear of joy. and the ninja spoke: yea, thee and thine kin shall forever be blessed among me and mine kin. for thine bravery will never be forgotten.' -book of the log, song of the willow, verses 1-4 'as the log takes your place, you become the log. the log becomes you. for a moment, you are an extension of the logs blessing unto ninja.' -book of the log, chronicle of the replacement verse 3 'you are fools! your log is but a mockery of the power of ninja!- the ninja from the desert declared. and the people shook their heads. you have been denied the log for a long time, sandwalker. we cannot force you to see the glory of the log, but know this. when the time comes, and you have no other allies to call upon, the log will hear your prayers, and aid you.' -book of the log, redwood journals verses 15-16 'and as the smoke cleared, his foe stared in awe at the log. blackened and charred, the log crumbled. the ninja, filled with righteous wrath, fell upon his foe and slew him. he made his way to the log, and wept. his companion, the log that had accompanied him through so many battles, was no more. he spoke thus to his fallen companion: though now you have fallen in battle, you rest where the logs forever grow. the forest of life called for you, and you answered its call, as you did mine. i thank you my friend.' -book of the log, honor of the forest canticle I, verses 78-82 'he despaired, for in this place of stone and earth, there was no logs to be found. reaching out with all his might, he begged for a log in the forsaken wasteland. and he was answered, and saved by the log, in a place where there were none. -book of the log, wanderers saga, verses 7-9 'the log took his place and fell, forever into the abyss. the people, hearing of this, railed against him, in such numbers he swore to never endanger another log again. for many years, he fought without the log, growing more and more weary with each passing day. finally, he came across a foe that was too strong for him. as his life was about to end, he felt a familiar pull, and found himself out of harms way, seeing a log in his place. his stunned foe was felled in his stupor, and he approached the log, he knew it, for it was the same that fell so long ago. he asked of the log: why did you endanger yourself for me again? have you not done enough for me? and the log spoke: it is my duty, and our bond. we exist to save the ninja, and they exist to save the trees. we both play a part, for which i am content.' -book of the log, honor of the forest canticle II, verses 59-70 Let it be known that it is absolutely forbidden to willingly perform the technique known as "1000 years of death" on a log. It is also equally frowned upon for one to replace oneself with a holy log for the purpose of avoiding said technique. The punishment for such actions is at least 6 months of banishment from the use of the holy log. -PERSONAL COMMENT ON THE POWER OF THE LOG, THIS DOES NOT NEED TO BE COPIED TO HONOR THE LOG- IF YOU WANT TO LIVE A LONG AND HEALTHY LIFE AS A SHINOBI THERE IS ONE THING YOU MUST NEVER, EVER DO ON PAIN OF DEATH AND HAVING TO STAND NEAR SASUKE'S EMONESS FOR 10MINS. WITHOUT BEING ALOUD TO SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT...NEVER INSULT THE POWER OF THE LOG-IT WILL HAVE ITS REVENGE...YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED NONBELIEVERS! |