![]() Author has written 119 stories for Oliver Twist, Hunger Games, Harry Potter, How to Train Your Dragon, Peter Pan, Croods, Howl's Moving Castle, Guardians of Childhood series, Northanger Abbey, Sisters Grimm, Despicable Me, Fire Emblem, Alice in Wonderland, Avatar: Last Airbender, Kim Possible, Maleficent, Princess Tutu, Wreck-It Ralph, Shaman King, Gravity Falls, Itazura na Kiss, Once Upon a Time, Doctor Who, Fifty Shades Trilogy, Over the Garden Wall, Much Ado About Nothing, Galavant, Undertale, Homestuck, Sherlock, Wakfu, Misc. Games, Doki Doki Literature Club, Seduce Me, Hatoful Boyfriend, Steven Universe, Misc. Books, Anne with an E, Extraordinary You/어쩌다 발견한 하루, and Misc. Tv Shows. Je suis spécialisée dans les fandoms déjà déserts et les one-shots. [OS] = One-Shot // [MuCha] = Multiples Chapitres L'Abbaye de Northanger (Northanger Abbey) = 2 [OS] Alice au Pays des Merveilles et De l'autre côté du miroir (Alice in Wonderland et Through the Looking-Glass) = 2 [OS] Anne avec un E (Anne with an E) = 2 [OS] Anticlove [Jeu de drague sur internet] = 2 [OS] Avatar : le Dernier Maître de l'Air (Avatar: the Last Airbender) = 2 [OS] x Baiser Malicieux (Itazura na Kiss) = 2 [OS SongFic] Beaucoup de bruit pour rien (Much Ado About Nothing) = 1 [OS] x Le Château Ambulant (Howl's Moving Castle) = 1 [MuCha] Cinders [Visual Novel] = 2 [OS] Les Cinq Légendes (Rise of the Guardians) = 1 [OS] Cinquante nuances de Grey (Fifty Shades of Grey) = 1 [MuCha Abandonnée] Les Croods (The Croods) = 1 [OS SongFic] / 2 [OS] / 1 [MuCha] x Doctor Who = 3 [OS] Doki Doki Literature Club = 2 [OS] Dragons (How to Train Your Dragon) = 1 [OS] x ExtraOrdinary You = 2 [OS] x Fire Emblem [Awakening] = 6 [OS] x Galavant = 1 [OS] x Harry Potter = 2 [OS] Hatoful Boyfriend = 1 [OS] Homestuck = 4 [OS] / 4 [MuCha] Hunger Games = 2 [OS] / 1 [MuCha] x Kim Possible = 6 [OS] / 1 [MuCha] x Maléfique (Maleficent) = 2 [OS] Les Malheurs de Sophie (Sophie's Misfortunes) = 4 [OS] Moi, moche et méchant (Despicable Me) = 1 [OS Songfic] / 1 [OS] Les Mondes de Ralph (Wreck-it Ralph) = 1 [OS] x Oliver Twist = 3 [OS] Once Upon A Time = 5 [OS] / 3 [MuCha] Over the Garden Wall = 2 [OS] x Peter Pan = 3 [OS] Princess Tutu = 2 [OS] x Seduce Me [Visual Novels] = 2 [OS] Shaman King = 3 [OS] / 2 [MuCha] Sherlock = 2 [OS] Les Soeurs Grimm (Sisters Grimm) = 1 [OS] Souvenirs de Gravity Falls (Gravity Falls) = 1 [OS Univers Alternatif] / 1 [OS] / 1 [MuCha] Steven Universe = 3 [OS] x The A List = 1 [OS] x Undertale = 1 [OS] / 2 [MuCha] x Wakfu = 10 [OS] / 1 [MuCha] |