Author has written 11 stories for Harry Potter, Song of the Lioness, CSI, and Pirates of the Caribbean. So I don't really know what to put here, so I think I'll just put the list of who I ship, ok?CSI- Pirates of the Caribbean- Hornblower- Tamora Pierce- Harry Potter- I think that about covers it... oh, but first, I must reccount my tale of my discovery of Fan Fiction. It was in the winter of 6th grade, so that was 2002 or 2003 and I was 12. I was sitting in the media centre after school on the computer avoiding having to go to the dreaded vollyball practice because I hated vollyball and I was rubbish at it (I still am and I still do). I stumbled across Draco Dormiens and had NO IDEA what it was but I loved it. Ever since then? I've been hooked! |
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