Author has written 16 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Peter Pan, Avatar: Last Airbender, Doctor Who, Legend of Korra, Thor, X-Men: The Movie, Angel, Sherlock, and Avengers. After a long hiatus of just reading fanfic and not posting, I have returned. Sadly, I do not expect to finish With This Ring. My interest in the Buffy fandom is not what it once was, and that combined with the loss of all my notes on that story means that I will be one of those authors I disapprove of, and let a long story remain unfinished. I am disappointed in myself with this, but do not want to post a mediocre effort simply to say "done." Where I am currently in my life makes it unlikely I'll work on any long fics, but I do hope to keep my hand in the writing game by playing with short fictions and other exercises. UPDATE December 10, 2012: I've started cross-posting some fic at AO3. You can also find shadydave's sequel to Sherlock Pond, Or a Timely Rescue there at http:///works/584399. Check it out - it involves River, Sherlock, and Irene Adler circa Scandal in Belgravia. I also have an account on youtube: Thank you to everyone who reads and reviews! |