![]() Author has written 255 stories for Gargoyles, Ranma, Voltron, Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu Yu Hakusho, Harry Potter, ThunderCats, Aladdin, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Star Wars, Card Captor Sakura, Sailor Moon, Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, Last Unicorn, He-Man, Voltron: Legendary Defender, Pokémon, and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. Allow me to introduce myself. Name: YamiKaykaMotou. I combined Yami's name with Yugi's last name and put my Internet surname inbetween to create my pename. I'm a gargoyle demon from the Makai. I have blue-violet skin, black hair, and gold eyes. I possess wind powers and can create a sword from it among other techniques. I find anime absolutely fascinating. Among my favorites are: Yu-Gi-Oh! (original, GX, 5D's, Zexal, Arc-V, VRAINS, and SEVENS) Yu Yu Hakusho Inuyasha I have other favs, but these are my top three. My top favorites characters are Atem and Hiei. I also have favorites that aren't anime. Among them are: Disney's Gargoyles He-Man She-Ra Email: kaykastone2000@ I have an account on FictionPress.com! My penname will be the same as the one on this site. I need to state that I have an account on a website called Hogwarts Extreme, or HEX, for short. I have HP fics on that site that I have posted under the penname Lunastar1981 before they are added to . So, for any reader who are member of HEX, please, please do not contact the webmaster and say that I am plagiarizing. I assure you, Lunastar1981 and YamiKaykaMotou are one and the same. I have earned my bachelor’s degree and then back in August 2009, I learned that Yahoo! is tearing down its Geocities section, which means my website will be lost. Luckily, I found a home at Angelfire. I noticed that the URL for the unedited Chapter Five of my story An Unlikely pair did not appear, so I will post the new URL here: yamikaykamotou. /miscstoires /unlikely. html If this fails, please type the address in the URL box or simply type: yamikaykamotou. angelfire. com. I would like to point out that when I finish a story, I do put a The End at the bottom of the last chapter. I underline and center it to make it noticeable. I even type the word "complete" in capital letters in the summary and switch the in-progress to complete. Yet, people keeping adding these complete stories to their story alert lists. Please notice the The End and complete on my stories. Complete means the end and I won't be adding more to finished stories. I have been asked if I take requests and I would like to state that no I do not. Sorry for any inconvenience. I have recently been asked by other writers/artists about commissions, concerning my stories. I'm flattered these people like what they've read and I know how commission artwork works, but I have no interest in paying for any of it, so please, please no more requests. |